On Guard Ciel x Reader

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You were practicing sword fighting and you heard someone walk in.
"Sword fight with me and the winner gets Ciel." Lizzie said.
You saw Ciel's eye widen.
"Are you chicken?" Elizabeth asked.
You threw her a sword.
"Let's dance." You said. You got into your pose and so did Elizabeth.
You didn't want to hurt her so you had a plan.
Elizabeth ran towards you and you ran towards her.
You heard the swords touch.
You started to reminisce.
"What's a girl made of?" You asked your mom.
"My dear F/N a girl is made of everything nice a girl is suppose to be an innocent angel and leave the politics to the men." Your mom answered.
You sat in the chair and you saw other nobles.
"Lady F/N please leave this to us." Your dad said.
You had determination.
You hit the sword out her hand and her eyes widened you grabbed her sword.
"Finished." You said.
She stormed away.
"Wow." Ciel said and clapped.
"You know I would of chose you even if she won." Ciel said.
"It wasn't about who you would or wouldn't choose it was about the honor. If I didn't sword fight her then I'm not a good wife of the Queen's Guard Dog and she is the better. I would give my life for you I love you and I needed to do that." You said.
"No you didn't." Ciel stated. "I would give my life for you to I love you more than life itself and you didn't need to do anything because I know you love me and you know I love you." Ciel said. You smiled and he hugged you. 

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