He realized what he did

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(Guys POV)

Ciel Phantomhive- Young Master I can't believe what you did. Sebastian said. I feel terrible. I said. I love her. I added. Why did you do that? Sebastian said. I don't know. I said.  I can't believe I did that. I said shocked. I want her back but she won't want me back will she. I said sadly. Young master she loves you even more than you love her go tell her you love her. Sebastian said. I can't just do that Sebastian get me a ring and throw a ball. I ordered. He smiled. As you wish Young Master. He said. F/N please accept. I hoped.

Sebastian- I'm a terrible cheater. I said. She's not she is the best thing and I did that to her. I thought. Sebastian how could you? Mey Rin said. I don't know. I said. Make it up to her. She said. How? I asked. Get Ciel to let you take a couple hours off to spend time with F/N and he can spend time with Lady Elizabeth and get her a ring to show you care. Mey Rin said. I don't want to see her hurt. She added. I'll do it. I said. Mey Rin smiled.

Alois Trancy- Your Highness wasn't that uncalled for? Claude asked. Yes it was. I said. If you love why hurt her? Claude asked. I don't want to. I admitted and now she's leaving me. I said sadly. It's not to late. Claude said. What can I do? I asked. I'll do anything. I added. Than prepare a short notice ball and get the most beautiful prettiest ring and propose to her and make this the grandest ball ever. Claude said. Claude please prepare everything must be perfect. I said. As you wish Your Highness. Claude said. F/N you shall be mine again. I thought smiling.

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