You Save Him

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Ciel Phantomhive- It was raining and Ciel got himself kidnapped again. Sebastian let's go. You said. You and Sebastian walk to where he is taken captive. F/N stay out it's dangerous! Ciel yelled. Where are they? You asked and looked around and you saw two people. Sebastian. You said and nodded. He took care of the guys and you ran to Ciel and untied them. You hugged him. I'm so glad your safe. You said.

Sebastian- You with the Young Master and Sebastian on a mission. Wait here. Sebastian said. You were waiting for what felt like forever and you decided to find him. You found him and Ciel cornered. You ran over and use your combat practice and took them out. Are you safe? You asked. I'm fine. The Young Master said. Are you okay Sebastian? You asked. I'm fine. He said. You hugged Sebastian I'm glad. You whispered.

Alois Trancy-  You were taking a walk with Alois. When guys were around you two. Stay back. Alois said. You ran up to the guys and you began to defeat them. You took out two guys and the rest ran away. Take two out you make the others flee. You whispered. Where did you learn to do that? He asked. I was trained. You said with a smile. He hugged you and kissed your cheek. My warrior princess. He whispered.

Claude- You were with Claude and Alois. Unknown to all three of you someone was following you. Four guys jumped out and began to attack. You saw two were going to attack Claude. You attacked one while he got the other. The guys were finished. Are you safe Claude? You asked. I'm fine. He said. Your highness are you okay? He asked. I'm fine are you find F/N? Alois asked. I took care of almost all the guys that attacked us and without a scratch I'm great. You said. Show off. Alois said. My showoff. Claude whispered.

Grell- You were walking around looking for Grell. He better be okay. You mumbled you saw his hair surrounded. You sighed and you ran to the guys. Stay away! You yelled. You attacked the guys and finished them. Are you hurt? You asked. No I'm fine. He said. You need to be careful. You said. I will be. He said. Next time I might not be there to save you. You added. I know. He said. Then act like you can handle yourself. You said. You hugged him. I don't want you to get hurt. You cried. It's okay I won't get hurt. He said.

Finny- You were waiting for Finny to come back when Mey Rin rushed into the room. Finny is kidnapped! She yelled. What where is he?! You yelled. He's at the abandoned house. She said. Thanks for letting me know. You said and left. You rushed to the abandoned building and you saw stairs and you raced upstairs not caring what was up there. F/N leave! Finny yelled. You saw him tied with men. Leave him alone! You yelled and you finished the men. You walked over to him and untied him. Are you okay? You asked. I'm fine. He said. You hugged him. I'm so glad you are safe. You said and he kissed you and you both walked back to the manor. Are you okay? The servants asked. Yes F/N saved me. Finny said and kissed your cheek.

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