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How you meet- You were the sister of Elizabeth Midford. You would always visit the Phantomhive Manor as Ciel was your sister's fiancé. One day you went to the manor and ran to the garden and you tripped and fell. Are you okay Lady F/N? A boy with blonde hair and green eyes said. I'm okay what's your name? You asked as you grabbed his hand to and he pulled you up. I'm Finnian but some call me Finny. It's nice to meet you Finny. You said and smiled and he smiled back.

Getting to know each other-  You were spending nights at the manor to see Finny. Whether or not you would admit it you had a crush on him. You put on a green dress with matching flats and put your H/C up. Hi Finny! You yelled and waved when you saw him working in the garden. Hi Lady F/N. He said and smiled. Why is the garden not green? You asked. Well I'm not that good at gardening. He said embarrassed. Oh well maybe you add to little water. You said. Maybe are you good at gardening? He asked. I like gardening I wouldn't call me good. You said. Oh okay. He said and you both laughed.

He learns he has feelings for you- Finny POV
I saw Lady F/N talk to Ciel. She's so pretty. I told Baldroy. Who Lady F/N? He asked. Yeah she's the most beautiful girl inside and out. I said. Do you have a crush on her? He asked. I don't know. I said and blushed. You do. He said with a smirk. I do. I said. Hi Finny! F/N said as she walked past. Hi F/N. I said and blushed.

You learn you have feelings for him- I saw Finny today. I like Finny. I thought. He has gorgeous eyes and a great personality. I love staying here just to see him. He's so cute. How will my family react? Lizzie won't care it's love. I hope they don't care. You thought worried.

He tells you how he feels- You were sitting in bed and you saw someone slide a note under your door. You walked up and picked up the note. It read Come see me at the garden as soon as you get a chance - Mystery. You put on a light blue dress and matching flats. You walked to the garden and saw a person holding a bouquet of flowers. You walked over to the person. Finny? You asked. F/N you made it. He said. Is there something you need to tell me? You asked. Yes there is. He said. There's something I need to tell you too. You said. Please let me go first Lady F/N. He said. Okay. You said. I like you and I know you probably don't like me because you can do so much better but I like you and I needed to tell you. Finny said blushing. Finny I like you too. You said blushing. You do? He asked. You nodded and smiled. I'm so happy. He said smiling. Me too. You said and smiled.

First kiss- You were watching Finny garden and you would talk to him about random things. I think I'm done for today with the garden. He said. Okay. You said. Let's go inside. You suggested. Okay but first let me do this. He said and he helped you up from your seat and kissed you and you kissed back. He pulled away and you both were blushing. Perfect. You both said.

You go to a ball together-  Lizzie was throwing a ball and she wanted to make everyone really cute. However only the servants knew you and Finny were together Ciel and Lizzie and the rest of your family didn't. Who's going to be invited to the ball Lizzie? You asked. Us. She said. That's it? You asked. She nodded. It's a little party ball. She said. You make no sense sometimes. You thought. F/N are you keeping something from me? She asked. Why do you think that? You asked. I have a feeling. She said. Lady F/N may I talk to you? Finny asked. You may. You said and walked off with Finny. Would you like to dance? He asked. I would. You said and took his hand.  You two danced very gracefully and you hugged him and you saw Baldroy smirk at the sight.

His thoughts on you- Finny POV
I love F/N. She is perfect and I would never leave her or hurt her. I love her personality the way she is very nice. I love the way her eyes sparkle in the sunlight and the way she always smiles at happy good and happy things. What's not to love about F/N. I thought.

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