Sebastian Wedding Day

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The wedding was a small wedding with only Ciel, Mey Rin, Baldroy, Finny and Lizzie

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The wedding was a small wedding with only Ciel, Mey Rin, Baldroy, Finny and Lizzie. You were in your room getting ready. You look divine. Lizzie said. I hope mine and Ciel's wedding will look as good as yours and Sebastian's. Lizzie said. Thank you Lady Elizabeth. You said. Call me Lizzie when we are alone. She said. Thank you Lizzie. You said. She helped with your hair and added flowers to it. Are you ready for your wedding? She asked. I am. You said. She smiled.  The music started playing. Here's your bouquet. Lizzie said. Thank you Lizzie. You said. You walked with the bouquet in your hand. You saw Sebastian at the end and smiled. You couldn't believe you were getting married it was like a dream. You made it to the end and stood in front of him. You look absolutely stunning. He said mesmerized. You look very handsome. You said. If anyone objects say it know or forever hold your peace. The pastor said. Do you Sebastian take F/N to be your lawfully wedded wife? The pastor asked. I do. He said and smirked at you. Do you F/N take Sebastian to be your lawfully wedded husband? He asked. I do. You said and looked at Sebastian. He held your hand and placed a ring on your finger. You held his hand and placed the ring on his finger. I pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride. He said. Without hesitation Sebastian kissed you in a passionate kiss. My two best servants are married. Ciel said. Isn't just adorable Ciel? Lizzie asked. I suppose it is. But your work will not go down because of your recent marriage. Ciel said. It will not Young Master. You both said. Good but you both will have the same days off to have spend some time together. Ciel said. Thank you. You said. Thank you Young Master. Sebastian said. Your welcome. He said.

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