You have a Nightmare about Him

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Ciel Phantomhive- You fell admire and had a dream about Ciel no not a dream a nightmare. (Dream)
Ciel! Ciel! You called out in a forest. You started to run a panic came over you Ciel! Ciel! You yelled as you were running. You saw Ciel standing there. Ciel! You yelled and touched his shoulder. You saw him but it wasn't him. Who are you? You asked. He started to disappear I'm sorry. You heard him whisper and he disappeared. You started to cry in your dream and you woke up to Ciel shaking you. Your eyes opened. Your awake. He said. What were you dreaming about? He asked. You were crying. He said. I had a nightmare and you were gone. You started to say and broke out in a cry. Shhh shhh it's okay. Ciel said and hugged you. I'll never leave you. He said.

Sebastian- You had a bad dream about Sebastian. Sebastian! You yelled. You saw him with his back turned away from you. F/N leave. He said. No. You said. He turned over to you. Leave or else. He said getting mad. No. You said and stomped your foot. He walked to you. I'm a demon and I don't want you to see me like this. He said. You closed your eyes and felt getting shoved and you hit a tree. Tears started pouring down your eyes. Suddenly you woke up and saw Sebastian look at you with worry. What was your dream or nightmare? He asked. You hurt me. You said looking down. He comforted you and hugged you.

Alois Trancy- You were in your dream land. Don't you dare say anything bad to me! You heard Alois yell. Alois what are you doing!? You yelled with confusion in your voice. I think you should go back to your brother. He said in a voice that was strange. I love you! You yelled. Yeah well I don't even care about you remotely. He said. Claude take her away! He yelled. Yes Your Highness. Claude said. Claude help me! You yelled. He dragged you away against your will with tears in your eyes. You woke up in a jolt and started crying. F/N what's wrong? Alois asked and hugged you. A nightmare. You said. About? He asked. You kicking me out being emotionless. You said. I would never do that. He said. You laid on his shoulder while he held your hand.

Claude- You were dreaming about Claude. You like Alois! He yelled. What?! You yelled. You like Alois and you won't admit it! He yelled. I like you! You yelled. Get out of my face! He yelled with a disgusted look. You started to cry. I hate you! He yelled. Your pathetic! He yelled at you which caused you to cry more until you woke up. Are you crying what happened? He asked. Just a dream about you. You said. I would never do anything to you that I did in your dream or say anything I love you so much. He said and hugged you.

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