He Tells a Secret

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Ciel Phantomhive- You were in his study waiting for him to finish his paperwork. Done. He said. Yay. You cheered. He chucked. Ciel can you remove your eye patch? You asked. Why would I? He asked. It's a big secret no one knows not even me. You said. Do you want to know? He asked. Yes but I respect it if you don't want to tell me. You said. No you are my wife you have a right to know. He said and took off his eye patch to reveal a purple eye with a mark in it. It's my contract with Sebastian. He said. Is Sebastian a demon? You asked. Yes and when I complete the goal he will take my soul. He said. You grabbed his hand. Ciel I love you no matter what and you can leave the eye patch off when you are around me. You said. Thank you my Queen. He said.

Sebastian- F/N we need to talk when you are alone. Sebastian stated. What about? You asked. Some important matters. He said. Okay. You said. After you were done you waited in your room to talk to Sebastian. Okay F/N will you love me no matter what? He asked worried. Obviously. You said. Okay... I'm a demon. He said. Your eyes widened. Your a demon? You asked. He nodded. You hugged him which surprised him I love you no matter what. You said.

Alois Trancy- Alois what is the mark on your tongue? You asked. What mark? He asked. The mark that appears when Claude is around. You said. There's no mark. He said obviously lying. Alois I love you and I think there should be no secrets between us. You said. Your right. He said. The mark is my contract with Claude. He said. Claude is a demon? You asked. Yes and the other servants as well. He said.  I love you no matter what. You said. He smiled which caused you to smile back.

Claude- You were walking around the garden by yourself. Do you like the garden? He asked. I do Claude. You said. There is no secrets between us right? He asked. Right. You said. Then I have to tell you I'm a demon and so are the rest of the staff. He said. I know Claude Alois told me that before in a letter before I arrived. You said. So you loved me and though you knew I was a demon? He asked. Yes and demon or human even angel I would love you the same. You said.

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