He helps You with Work

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Ciel Phantomhive- Your private tutor Ms Simmons assigned you an essay. You were fine with the essay but not fine with it being an one hundred page essay. One hundred pages! You yelled. One hundred pages. You told Ciel. He sighed. What's the topic about? He asked. Poetry. You said. Easy let me help you and then I'll get back to my work. He said. You smiled and grabbed one hundred pages of blank paper and a pen. Let's get to work. Ciel said.

Sebastian- You were assigned to help Ciel with his work but the problem was you didn't know where to start. Sebastian. You said. Yes F/N. he said.  Can you help me with this work? You asked and showed him. He started to laugh. What's so funny? You asked. Nothing and I would gladly help with your work. He said and began tutoring you and what a perfect tutor.

Alois Trancy- Alois! You yelled. F/N I'm in my room! Alois called. You ran to his room. Alois I need help. You said with a serious face. This must be serous you never ask for help. Alois said. What is it? He asked. I need help with this stupid letter and finding the mistakes. You complained. My dear F/N my one true love you can be a little dumb sometimes. He laughed. Hey! You yelled. Just kidding my little spitfire come here and I will help you work. Alois said. Thank you. You said.

Claude- You were trying to clean but you didn't do well. F/N what are doing? Claude asked. Trying to help you clean. You said. Claude sighed. Leave the cleaning to me. He said. No I want to help. You said. I guess you are set on helping aren't you? He asked. You nodded. Well than I will show you how to clean. He said. Let's start here. He said. This is a mop and this a bowl. He teased. Claude I already know this. You said and glared at him playfully.

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