He Saves the Day

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Ciel Phantomhive- Ciel's POV
I began looking through all the clues I had. The carriage is ready. Sebastian said. I located her to the place you were kidnapped with the Duke. Sebastian. F/N is there! I yelled. She should be young master. Sebastian said. I ran to the carriage quickly and I went to that horrid place. We must be quiet. Sebastian said. I saw F/N tied. Sebastian get rid of those men that's an order. I said and the mark glowed. As you wish. He said and got rid of the men. Then I ran to F/N and untied her. I grabbed her and ran to the carriage safely. Are you hurt? I asked worried. No, no I'm fine. She said. Are you sure? I asked. I am. She said. My hero. She said and kissed my cheek. Please don't get kidnapped again. I whispered. I'll try not to. She said.

Sebastian-  Sebastian POV
Mey Rin do you know where F/N was kidnapped to? I asked. I don't. She said. Are you sure? I asked. I'm positive but I saw the logo of a crow. She said. I know where she is. I said. I ran to a secret hide out. The Crows. I said. Who are you? A man asked. What I want to know is where the girl you kidnapped earlier is. I said. The servant girl. He said. She's here. He said. Bring her out! He yelled. I saw F/N with the men. Sebastian! She yelled. F/N! I yelled back. I took care of the people who had her captured quickly. Are you okay? I asked. I'm fine. She said. Doesn't a hero always get a kiss for bravery? I asked. She kissed my cheek. There. She said and we both returned to the manor.

Alois Trancy-  Alois POV
I was with Claude and we were walking to the groups hideout. Your highness we need to be cautious. Claude informed. I know Claude. I whispered. I noticed F/N with her kidnappers. I'm going to get her back. I said. We will but we need to be careful. Claude said. Get rid of her kidnappers that's an order! I yelled. Yes your highness. Claude said. Claude took care of those people and I slipped past. F/N. I said. Alois. She said with tears in her eyes. I cut the rope and I picked her up bridal style and ran as fast as I could. I'm accompanying you on all your trips. I said. I hope so. She said and I put her down. She kissed my cheek and I blushed. My savior. She said.

Claude-  Claude's POV
I knew where F/N was being held. She was being captured by people in the woods. They probably wanted money. I thought. I'm going to save her. I thought. I saw F/N and her three kidnappers. This is going to be easy. I said and moved my glasses up.  I waited till they sat her down and then I attacked them. I sent them running and I grabbed F/N without hesitation. You saved me. F/N said. Why wouldn't I? I asked. You might of just forgot about me. She said. I would never forget about you. I said and she kissed me. I'm the hero. I thought.

Grell- Grell's POV
I ran to the hideout. I saw F/N sitting there with a mean look on her face. She didn't show fear but anyone who knows her could tell she is scared. I won't let them hurt you. I thought. I noticed there movements and I attacked them when they were away from F/N. I finished them and I walked to F/N. Did you miss me? I asked. I did miss you a lot. She said. I held out my hand and she took it. She kissed me and we walked out together hand in hand.

Finny- Finny's POV
We were walking to the abandoned building. I hope F/N is okay. Lizzie said. I hope so to Lady Elizabeth. I said. She will be just keep your heads up. Ciel said. When we get there what are we going to do? Sebastian asked. We get her out. I said. But how? Sebastian asked. We can't just go in there without a plan. Sebastian said. I'm going to find her Sebastian will you cover me? I asked. I shall. He said. Lady Elizabeth can you stay outside and be look out? Sebastian asked. Okay. She said. We arrived and we had the plan set. She's probably on the top floor.
Your POV
You were on the top floor and You weren't guarded. There is to many of them for me to do anything. You thought. Finny please save me. You said. You heard people fighting. You also heard someone running up to the stairs. You braced yourself  for a guard and to be taken away. As the door was opened you saw Finny. Finny! You yelled. F/N! He yelled back and hugged me. I missed you so much. You said. Are you hurt? He asked. No I'm fine. You said happily with tears. You kissed him and he picked you up bridal style and walked down the stairs. F/N! Lizzie yelled. Lizzie! You yelled back. Are you okay? She asked. I'm fine. You said and you looked up at Finny and smiled.

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