Ciel One Shot

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You were the betrothed of Ciel and you both adored each other. You loved him with all your heart and he loves you with all his heart. But you both know that one day the deal with Sebastian will be up and he will take his soul. F/N... Ciel started. Yes? You asked you had a bad feeling come over your body hearing his voice that way. The deal is over. Ciel said with tears in his eyes. No it can't be. You said with tears falling down your eyes. He walked over to and wiped your tears. Don't cry for me. He said and forced a smile. This the most heartbreaking day of my life I'm going to lose you! You cried. Shh shh. He said. I know this is hard for me also I don't want to leave you but a deal is a deal. Ciel said. Please don't leave me! You cried and he hugged you and you heard him try not to cry. Please don't cry. He cried. I don't want you to leave me. You cried. I don't want to leave you. He said with tears. How am I going to survive without you? You asked. You will survive for me when I'm gone I want you to find love find happiness and be happy for me. He said and smiled with a tear coming down his cheek. He kissed your cheek. F/N I'm so glad I met you I'm so glad I felt love again to have met you means the world to me. Ciel said and smiled. I'll never find anyone better than you you mean the world to me you are my one true love. You said crying and trying to fake a smile. He hugged one last time. I love you. He whispered. Young Master it is time. Sebastian said. Alright. Ciel said. Goodbye F/N I'll never forget you. Ciel said with a genuine smile. When he shut the door you broke down crying. I will always love you Ciel. You sobbed.
(Time Skip)
It was the funeral day of Ciel Phantomhive your soulmate. Everyone was in black and in tears. You payed your respects and started sobbing. You felt a hand on your shoulder. Follow me. You heard the person whisper and you looked and saw a familiar face and you walked with him. I am truly sorry. Sebastian said. Then why did you do this to me? You asked. A deal is a deal. He said. I miss him already. You said. I know but I know he would of wanted you to be happy. Sebastian said. You nodded. He would but it will be hard I Sing think I'll ever be happy or fully happy. You admitted. I have a feeling you will see him again. Sebastian said and walked off. Wait how do you know that?! You yelled. He stopped and turned to you and smirked. I'm positive you will see him again. He said and walked off leaving you speechless. Ciel seeing you again is all I hope for in life. You said and cried all your way back to the funeral.

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