Ciel x Reader

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Thank you for the suggestion Luckilyunatic

You are Grell's sister and a very skilled grim reaper but you had a little crush on Ciel. You were done with work and you were walking around London. I love London. You said and twirled. Oh F/N. You heard someone say. You turned around and saw your brother Grell. Grell! You yelled and hugged him. I thought you were still working. You said. I finished early. He said. Want to go see Sebastian? You asked. I would never turn that down. Grell said and started to run to the manor. You sighed and shook your head. Wait for me! You called. It's useless he's probably halfway there by now. You thought and ran off to the manor.
You arrived at the Phantomhive Manor quickly. Ugh you took to long. Grell complained. Well sorry I don't have the need to see someone here like you do. You said. Well where is Bassy? Grell asked. I looked through the window and saw Sebastian and Ciel leaving. They are leaving. I said. They opened the door and their eyes widened. F/N what are you doing here? Ciel asked. I'm here to see you silly. You giggled which caused him to blush. Are you okay? You asked with concerned. Follow me. Ciel said and you both walked off to the garden. I called off the engagement with Elizabeth. Ciel said. You wanted to smile and cheer and jump around but you hid your feelings. I'm so sorry. You lied. I know your happy. Ciel said. I can read you like a book. He added and a light smirk came on his face. Why did you break off the engagement? You asked. I love someone else and I only think of her as a cousin nothing more nothing less. He said. Oh well I should be going you need to tell her your crush you love her. You said. Wait F/N will you come to the ball tonight? Ciel asked. Yes I will. You said. Even though I don't want to see you and your crush together. You thought. Grell I'm leaving. You said and walked off. F/N are you okay? Grell asked. I am I just have to get ready for a ball. You said. How fun. He said. You bought a red and black dress to go with your H/L H/C.

Let's go to a ball

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Let's go to a ball. You thought. You went to the Phantomhive Manor and walked in and saw a lovely ball planned together with a lot of nobles. You scanned the room for Ciel and you found him and walked over to him. F/N it's great to see you. Ciel said. It's great to see you to Earl Phantomhive. You said. No need for formalities. He said. You saw Sebastian whisper something in Ciel's ear. Pardon me F/N. Ciel said. Excuse me I have an announcement to make. Ciel began. Here it comes. You thought. I broke off my engagement to Lady Elizabeth Midford for someone else who I love dearly. Ciel said. And that person is none other than my best friend F/N Sutcliff. Ciel announced. F/N I love you more than I love life itself would you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Ciel asked. You walked over to where he was. Yes! With all my heart! You announced and hugged him. Everyone cheered. I love no matter who or what you are. Ciel whispered to you. You both smiled a genuine smile and he kissed you. I wonder how Grell will react. Ciel said. Probably happy because he gets to see Sebastian more. You said. You both laughed. Poor Sebastian. You both said.

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