Sebastian x Reader x Ciel

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You were a maid working for the Phantomhive Manor. You knew Sebastian and Ciel had a minor thing for you. But you never knew they had a little rivalry for you. You were delivering tea to the young master and before you knocked on the door you heard yelling. Should
I listen in? You thought. I should. You thought and you placed your ear on the door.
Leave F/N to me she is mine. Ciel said.
Young Master F/N is mine. Sebastian said.
You knocked on the door. Who is it? Ciel asked. It's F/N Young Master. You said. Come in. Ciel said. You brought in the tea. F/N please sit and stay Sebastian leave. Ciel said. Yes Young Master. Sebastian said and left. You sat down and you and Ciel had tea. F/N I really like you and I called off the engagement with Elizabeth for you. Ciel said. You were shocked. I didn't know. You said. Do you like me? He asked. F/N I like you to. Sebastian said as he walked in.

You were still shocked. I don't know. You said. You ran out the room and you went to the only person you can trust and that was Finny your best friend.  You ran to the garden and you saw Finny. Finny I need your help. You said. What's wrong? He asked. The young master and Sebastian both like me. You said. Do you like them? He asked. Well I like someone but if I choose Sebastian I'm probably going to get kicked out and if I choose Ciel Sebastian is going to hate me. You said.  Close your eyes. Finny whispered. You closed your eyes and he placed a flower crown on your head. Go tell them who you like I know you will listen to your heart. He said with a smile. You saw Ciel and Sebastian. Ciel Sebastian you two are so very important to me. But I love only one of you. The person I love is.. You began. You noticed their eyes widen.

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