Who is Jealous of Your Relationship

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Ciel Phantomhive- Elizabeth. Elizabeth was Ciel's first fiancé but he called off the engagement because he met you. She's jealous because she loved Ciel with all her heart but he didn't feel the same. You were in Ciel's study talking to Ciel when Lizzie ran in. Ciel. She said. What is it Lady Elizabeth? He asked. I still love you. She said. You went over to Ciel and kissed his lips. You both looked at her and smirked. B-but Ciel I love you more than anyone why would you want her?! She yelled. You are wrong. You started to say. I love Ciel more than I love life. You said. I love F/N more than anyone else on this planet she's sweet kind, mature and the love of my life. Ciel said. She started to cry and ran over to try and attack you but Sebastian took care of her and took her outside. Did you mean what you said to Elizabeth? You asked. With all my heart. Ciel said.

Sebastian- Mey Rin is jealous. Mey Rin secretly liked Sebastian but tried to hide it. As you started to get committed to Sebastian and she didn't want you to know. Sebastian! You yelled. F/N! Sebastian called back and you ran and hugged him. You noticed out of the corner of your eye Mey Rin looking jealous and a little irritated. Sebastian can you help me with my cleaning? She asked innocently. Yes. He told her. I'll be back soon then we can chat. Sebastian said kissed your forehead. Mey Rin likes Sebastian it is obvious. You sighed. But Sebastian likes me and I know she wouldn't jeopardize our friendship and Mine and Sebastian's relationship. You thought.

Alois Trancy- Many nobles are jealous because they want his money and the title. Alois none of the nobles will come between us right? You asked. F/N you are perfect and all I want I love you with all my heart. He said before we opened the door to  the ball. A dozen nobles came up to Alois and asked him to marry them and why he should but he rejected all of them. He grabbed your arm and pulled you close. This is who I love with all my heart. Alois said and kissed your cheek which caused you to blush and smile while the other nobles just stood their shocked. Let's go F/N. Alois said with you two hand in hand.

Claude- Alois is jealous. He feels like Claude is taking you away from him and he always had a crush on you and it pained him to see you two together no matter what he said and acts like. You and Claude were hugging and Alois saw it caused a piece of his heart to break. F/N we need to talk about nobly things Claude can you make tea and snacks? Alois asked. Of course Your Highness. Claude said. What do you need to discuss with me? You asked. The ball that's coming up. He said and smiled. Okay. You said. Despite the act he was putting up his feelings were getting stronger for you and that caused his heart to keep getting broken.

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