Modern Halloween: Halloween Party

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Ciel Phantomhive- You and Ciel were attending a Halloween party.
"Trancy." Ciel said.
"Ciel, F/N." Alois said.
"Come on Ciel let's enjoy this party for once." You said.
Ciel sighed.
"Fine." Ciel said.
"Let's bob for apples." You said.
"Fine." Ciel said.
You and Ciel went to the water and the water was green.
"I'll go first." You said and put your head into the green water and pulled out a shiny red apple.
"Amazing." Ciel said.
"Let's make a competition see who can grab an apple first."You said.
"Let's do this." Ciel said.
You both went in and it was a fight for the apple but Ciel won.
"You did great." You said.

Sebastian-  You and Sebastian were at a Halloween party.
"What do you want to do?" You asked.
"Let's announce our presence." Sebastian said.
"You sound like Alois." You commented.
"Hi Claude and Alois." You said.
"F/N I'm glad you can come." Alois said.
"Sebastian and F/N made it." Ciel said.
You both went and introduced yourselves.
"Here you go F/N." Sebastian said and handed you a cookie.
"Thank you so much." You said.
"Anything for you." Sebastian said.

Alois Trancy-  You and Alois were invited to a Halloween party so you both decided to go.
"Alois look at the food." You said excited.
"It looks absolutely delicious." Alois said.
"I'll go make you a plate and me a plate." You said.
"Okay F/N I'll be sitting on the couch." Alois said.
You made the plates and walked over.
"Here you go." You said with a smile.
"Thank you F/N." Alois said and kissed your cheek.

Claude- "Claude hurry up." You said.
"I'm coming." Claude said.
"Not quick enough." You said.
"Well I don't want to go." He said.
"We go for an hour and then we will leave." You said.
"Okay." Claude said.
You and Claude arrived at the party.
"60 minutes." Claude whispered.
You two walked in to the orange, black and purple set up.
"It's defiantly Halloween." You said.
"F/N I'm so glad you could come." Alois said.
"Thank you Alois." You said.
"58 minutes." Claude said.
"Claude can you get me some punch?" You asked.
"Sure." Claude said.
He brought you the punch and you looked at Alois and smirked and then you put the punch on Alois's head.
Claude was shocked but he laughed.
You laughed at Alois and you smiled at Claude's laughter.
"Sorry Alois." You said and ran out the house.

Grell- You and Grell were at a Halloween party.
The Monster Mash started to play.
"Come on F/N we got this." Grell said.
"Okay we got this."'You said.
You and Grell were dancing  the monster mash.
"Who ever is the best dancer gets a surprise." Alois said.
"Come on F/N we need to win." Grell said.
The song finished.
"The winner because they have most flair and dance talent is Grell!!" Alois announced
"Yay!!" You cheered.

Finny- You and Finny were at a Halloween Party and it was time for the couples costume contest.
"We can win this." You said.
"Do you think so? Finny asked.
"I don't think so I know so." You said and smiled.
"Come up Finny and F/N." the judge said.
You and Finny went on stage and the judge looked at you two up and down.
"Great costumes." The judge said.
"The winner is F/N and Finny!" The judge announced an hour after you were judged.
You hugged Finny and you both went on stage and claimed the trophy filled with candy.

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