You Say Your Farewells

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Ciel Phantomhive- It was sprinkling and you and Sebastian were looking for Ciel. You saw something red on the ground. You ran towards the red substance. Lady F/N wait! Sebastian yelled. You saw Ciel laying on the ground with the red substance around him. Ciel. You managed to get out. F/N. Ciel said. You ran towards him. It's going to be alright I'll make sure. You cried. Don't cry I died protecting someone I love I died protecting you I left everything on a note to clear things up in my study but I need you to do me one last thing. Ciel said. What is it? You cried. Smile for me. Ciel said smiling. I can't. You cried. Don't cry smile. Ciel said. You cried even more but you had a light smile. There it is the smile I love. Ciel said. I'll see you again I love you. Ciel said. I love you to Ciel I love you deeply. You cried holding his hand you tried to feel a heart beat but no heart beat. Ciel! You cried as the rain got stronger. Sebastian watched wide eyed. He was hurt he let Ciel die. Lady F/N we should go I'll have someone pick up Ciel. Sebastian said. You were still crying. The one you truly loved died and you couldn't do anything about it. You arrived at the manor and you were still crying. What's wrong Lady F/N?! The servants asked. F/N please tell us what's wrong. Lizzie said. Ciel he's dead. You cried. Everyone hugged you and cried. You went to his study and you saw the letter. That said. "To F/N my one true love". You opened the letter and it read.
"F/N as your reading this I assume I have passed. Let me explain someone wanted you and I couldn't allow that so I sacrificed myself for you the person I love. I love you deeply I always will. Tell our children I love them as well and I entrust the company to you. I'm going to miss you but I'm always going to be with you. Please don't cry over me I want you to be happy. Goodbye F/N I'm going to miss you deeply and I truly love you love Ciel". You started to cry even more. Oh Ciel you shouldn't of done that I would rather be gone then have to live with you not being here. You sobbed. Goodbye Ciel. You sobbed.

Sebastian- You were looking for Sebastian it wasn't like him to leave for this long. You were walking in the woods and you saw Ciel and Sebastian. Get up you demon that's an order! Ciel yelled. Sebastian! You yelled and ran to him. What happened? You asked. I'm sorry F/N but Sebastian died he died protecting the both of us. No no no! This can't be happening! You yelled. I love you Sebastian please don't be dead. You cried. I'm sorry F/N. Ciel said. You saw Baldroy and Finny and Mey Rin run up. Is he dead? Finny asked. You nodded and cried. I'm so sorry. Baldroy said. You held his hand there was nothing he was truly gone and you somehow have to live without him.

Alois Trancy- You ran out the manor. Alois has been gone to long. You thought. Where is he? You asked. You saw a carriage and you ran to it. Alois! You yelled.
(Alois POV)
I laying at a tree. I started to remember everything that has happened to me. I remember F/N everything all the dances, balls, our first kiss and date our vacation everything. F/N is the only one I truly had and the only one I truly cared if I lost I'm glad I'm leaving first so I won't have to go through that pain of having her leave me. I thought. Alois! I heard someone yell. That sounds like F/N but I can't scream her name I don't want her to see me like this. I thought. I love you F/N and I'm going to miss you more than anyone in this world I hope to see you again. I whispered.
(Your POV)
You walked around aimlessly trying to find him. You saw a trail of blood. No no no. You whispered. You saw Claude end Alois. Ahhhhhhh! You screamed. You monster! You stupid demon! You yelled and ran to Claude. Do you want to know his last words? He asked. You are a stupid demon. You said with tears flowing out your eyes. His last words were "I love you F/N". Claude said. Your eyes widened and more tears started to flow. You threw a punch but Claude grabbed your hand and put it down. Why? You asked. I have my reasons. He said. I hate you I hate you I hate you! You yelled. Do you honestly think I care? Claude asked. You turned away crying and you went to Alois and collapsed. You grabbed his hand. Alois I love you more than life it's self why did this have to happen? You sobbed. I'm sorry F/N. You faintly heard Claude say. I was stupid I shouldn't of let you travel alone I should of went with you maybe then I would of died not you. You cried. I know you probably would of wanted me to smile but I can't. You cried. It started to pour. I'll send someone to get you. You said. You walked to Ciel's in the rain. F/N what happened? Ciel asked worried as he saw you crying. Alois he died! You sobbed into your brothers arm. Shhhh shhh it's okay. Ciel said. You began to cry more.

Claude- You were running around trying to find Claude. Claude! You yelled. Claude! You yelled again. You started to run faster your heart race quickening with every step you take. You eventually found Claude with Sebastian. Claude! You yelled horrified. F/N. He barely got out. You ran to him crying. You are going to be okay. You cried. We both know I'm not I'm sorry I wasn't with you till the very end. Claude said. I love you and I will miss you with all my heart. Claude said and moved your hair out of your face. I love you Claude I always will you cried even more. Smile. He said. You tried to
smile but you were still crying. There it is don't let your pretty eyes be filled with tears. Claude said and he died. You cried even more. I'm so sorry. Sebastian said. You did this to him you have no right to be sorry! You yelled crying. He looked down and he left. You stayed with Claude crying for an hour then you went back to the manor.

Grell- It was either you or Grell. Grell knew that and you did to. Grell! You shrieked. He fell
to the ground. Why did you do that? You asked crying. I needed to protect someone I love. He said. I'm going to miss you F/N I truly am please try and be happy marry and have kids again I'll wait for you. Grell said. I love for eternity. Grell added. Grell I love you I always will I don't want you to die I don't why was I so stupid. You sobbed. You weren't this isn't your fault remember that. Grell said. I- love you F/N always and forever. Grell said and he died. I love you Grell I do and I'm going to miss you forever. You cried. You cried and cried and you walked to the Phantomhive Manor to give them the news.

Finny- You were searching for Finny. You had a bad feeling. Finny! You yelled. You ran and ran in the woods till you found his body nearly lifeless. No! You yelled crying. You ran to Finny. Finny can you hear me? You asked crying. F/N don't cry for me I love you and I'll miss you but I need you to be strong. Finny said. No no no! Finny I love you I do and I'll miss you forever. You said. Come here. Finny weakly said. You leaned forward and he kissed you one final time. You made me so happy I'm glad I met you I'm going to miss you. He said. I'm going to miss you to. You cried. You hugged him. Goodbye. He whispered into your ear. Goodbye Finny. You sobbed. You held his lifeless body. You barely managed to pick him up and walk to the manor with him. Oh no Finny! Baldroy yelled. What happened? Mey Rin asked. Finny he's dead. You cried. Oh no. Baldroy said. Baldroy and Mey Rin started to cry. You were still crying and you gently placed him on the ground by a tree. Is he? Lizzie asked. You nodded and Lizzie ran and hugged you. It will be okay. Lizzie said. Let it out. She added. You kept crying and crying you couldn't stop until you cried yourself to sleep and then you made the funeral plans for him.

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