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How you meet- You were working a case with Ciel to help solve the mystery of the women who kept dying. Who do you think is behind it? You asked. I don't know Princess. Ciel said. Maybe Madam Red. You suggested which caused Ciel to get a little irritated. That's preposterous Princess F/N. Ciel insisted. You eventually find out you were right but she had help a reaper. Who are you? He asked. I'm F/N and who are you? You asked. Grell. He said and smirked. A blush appeared as he smirked at you. What a stupid name. You mumbled and looked away.

Getting to know each other- You were walking the streets of England with Ciel and Sebastian as you and Ciel were very close because he is your mother's guard dog. Bassy! You heard someone scream. Is that Grell? You asked. Yes it is. Sebastian said. Princess would you like to talk to me? He asked. About? You asked. Stuff that you won't know until you agree. He said. Fine I shall talk to you. You said. Don't do it. Ciel said. Just give me five minutes. You said and walked off with Grell. What do you want to talk about? You asked. What's your favorite color? He asked. My favorite color is F/C. You said. I like that color. He said. Who are you? You asked. I'm Grell a grim reaper I thought we made that clear the first time we met my dear F/N. He said. No who are you like what's your personality? You asked. That you have to discover you seem like the regal type. He said. I am a princess soon to be queen. You said proudly. What a title. He said.

He learns he has feelings for you- Grell's POV. I have been watching F/N for awhile she made my feelings for Bassy stop well for the most part. I can't get her out of my head. Is she a witch that casted a spell on me? I thought. Or is this love? I thought.

You learn you have feelings for him- I can't get him out of my head. It's crazy. I thought. I'm a princess he's a grim reaper. How would that work a grim reaper as a king? You thought. But I think I love him or at least like him but I know he doesn't feel the same at least I think I know. You thought. I know I'll tell him the next time I see him. You thought. I just need courage. You mumbled in your room.

He tells you how he feels- You were walking to the Phantomhive Manor to talk to Ciel. F/N wait up! You heard someone yell. Grell? You asked. It is me my dear. He said. You started to blush. Your face is red are you sick? He asked. Huh? You said confused which made you blush even more. Oh you are blushing I see. Grell said. That means you like me and I for one like you too. He said. Really? You asked. Yes really do you think I'm making it up? He asked. I mean you could. You said. Oh F/N I would never do that to you. He said.

First kiss- You were in your castle in your bedroom preparing for bed. You laid on your bed till you heard a knock on your window. Who's there? You asked. You saw a figure in the tree. You cautiously opened the window. Grell? You asked. Preparing for bed? He asked. Yes. You said. I just wanted to say goodnight and give you this. He said. He placed his lips on you and you kissed back. Wow. You said. He chucked. Well my darling it is time I go. He said and left. You closed your window and laid in bed with a goofy smile on your face and your heart a flutter.

You go to a ball together- My dear there is a ball at the Phantomhive Manor and I would be pleased if you attended. Your mom said. Okay I'll go. You said. Great now all you need is a dress any color preferences? She asked. Red. You said. Red it is. She said. A maid came to you with a red and black dress with matching red flats. You put on the dress and arrived at the manor and to your surprise you saw Grell outside the manor. Grell what are you doing here? You asked. I wanted to go to a ball with you. He said. Okay. You said and he held your hand as you two went in. It's so lively. He said. It is and yet it's still sophisticated. You said. Let's dance darling. He said. He led you to the dance floor where you two danced and ignored the gazes of the nobles.

His thoughts on you- (Grell's POV) I absolutely adore F/N.  She is so perfect. Everything about her is perfect the way she talks, her personality and her appearance is perfect. She is also so dedicated to her kingdom. I just love her so so so so so much. I hope she never leaves me. I thought.

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