Claude x Reader x Alois

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You have been with Claude for awhile and you are Alois's best friend and you could tell something has been bothering him and you are determined to find out what is bothering him. Alois. You said while you walked into his room. F/N it's so nice to see you. Alois said. You see me everyday. You said. But I'm just really glad to see you today. Alois said. What's wrong? You asked. What do you mean? He asked. You have been acting strange lately you can tell me anything I'm your best friend. You said and grabbed his hand which caused him to blush. I can't. He said trying to cover up his blush. Yes you can. You said. Please tell me. You added. Fine. He said. He looked you straight in your eyes. I like you and not like I like you as a friend I like you more like I love you and I know I can't have you but I can't help myself I love you F/N. Alois admitted and walked over to you and kissed your cheek which caused you to blush. Alois...  You started to say. He kissed your lips before you could finish. I love you F/N do you love me? He asked. I don't know I'm with Claude. You said. F/N your a noble and so am I we were meant to be your my soulmate and I'm yours. He said. Their has to be another girl. You said. I have loved you the moment I saw you. Alois said and caressed your cheek when Claude walked in. F/N? Claude asked.
It's not what it looks like. You quickly said. Claude can't you see F/N likes me F/N and I are soulmates and we are meant to be. Alois said and kissed you which caused Claude to get mad and pull you away. No Alois F/N likes me and that's it. Claude said. You cheated on her with Hana and multiple nobles. Alois said. What?! You yelled in shocked. Claude looked down. Why would you want to be with a cheater he's no man. Alois said. F/N I'm so so so so sorry I love you more than life they were all mistakes. Claude apologized. Do you honestly believe him? Alois asked. He cheated on with multiple people. Alois said. Do you want a person who would never cheat or a person who will just say he won't cheat but will the second you turn around. Alois said with a serious voice. Do you love me or do you love Alois? Claude asked. I can't believe you cheated on me multiple times. You said. I will never cheat again. Claude said but you noticed him lying. Your lying. You said. He looked down. Alois you are my best friend. You said. He nodded. I love...... You started. Me. Claude said. No me! Alois yelled. Alois. You said which left a heart broken Claude but a happy Alois. You embraced Alois and saw Claude leave.  I didn't think you would choose me. Alois said. To tell you the truth I had a crush on you when I was with Claude and before I was with Claude I just didn't think you liked me back. You admitted. I love you. Alois said and kissed you. I love you too. You said.

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