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and just like that, yoongi was gone.

jimin sat on his bed with tear stains on his cheeks, his hair damp with sweat, and other unwanted substances on him. there was a small pain in his lower back, but he was used to it.

every day almost, yoongi and his boyfriend would fight. yoongi, someone who can't cope with his feelings well, somehow convinced jimin to agree to 'help him forget' about the fight or whatever drama. jimin knew he shouldn't have, but he was practically in love with yoongi. the older's fox-like eyes and warm smile that was rarely seen even around hoseok made jimin melt. he had it bad.

jimin sighed and got out of bed, ignoring the pain in his abdomen and sliding his boxers on before balling his sheets and blankets up. on his way to the laundry room, jimin was stopped by taehyung. taehyung didn't live with jimin, but it felt like he did. tae even had his own room because he was over so often.

"jiminie, you've got to put a stop to it." taehyung said, leaning on the wall. "it's doing nothing but hurting you."

"but tae..." jimin whispered. he really wanted to object, but the younger was right. it was doing nothing but hurting jimin. how yoongi always moaned 'hoseok' and not 'jimin'.

taehyung put his arms out, "i'll take care of these. go take a bath, i'll make some hot chocolate and order pizza when you get out."

jimin cracked a smile, handing the dirty sheets and blankets over. "this is why you're my best friend."


little did taehyung know, the meaningless fucks made jimin hurt more than he was aware of. to jimin, sex was supposed to be something intimate with the person you love and would die for, slow amd sweet. not a quick fuck for yoongi to get his mind off of hoseok and sometimes not even have a proper conversation with jimin. it was always a simple, cold "you know the drill." anymore. it was mentally wearing jimin down.

at least yoongi wasn't drinking.

jimin's had sex with his ex before, they were in love at the time. he remembers the feeling: pure bliss, the feeling of being loved.

but with yoongi, he felt like a toy. he really felt worthless. yoongi, of course, would allow him to say no. but jimin didn't want to. why?

he was afraid to lose yoongi.

jimin slid down the wall in the shower. tears burnt the edge of his eyes, but he didn't allow them to fall. getting over himself momentarily, he stood up to finish his shower.

couldn't leave taehyung waiting too long, now could he?


"thank you, tae."

taehyung glanced at jimin, smiling at his wet hair softly. he noticed jimin was wearing one of his old sweaters that was too big on tae himself, making it twice the size on jimin. it slouched off of one shoulder, exposing his collarbone that was, sadly, covered in hickies from yoongi.

"please don't stare." jimin whispered, pulling the sweater up to hide them.

"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to." taehyung apologized softly. despite the bruises getting left by a man he hates, taehyung thought jimin looked beautiful with them. "why were you thanking me, chim?"

jimin blushed at the nickname, "for always helping me. for not walking out on me. for this."

"i'm only doing what a best friend should, jiminie." taehyung smiled, grabbing jimin's smaller hand.

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