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"faster! go faster!"

"fuck, jimin."

"i'm so close, go faster!"

jimin's eyebrows were furrowed as he sat on the edge of the couch, his fingers furiously moving around the controller in attempt to go faster. taehyung was right behind him, able to pass him at any time.

just as jimin passed the finish line, with taehyung finishing nearly a second later, he stood up on the couch with his arms in the air. "ha! i beat you!"

taehyung grabbed jimin by the hips and pulled him onto his lap, jimin straddling him. taehyung ran his hands up and down jimin's thighs, "yeah, but who won the other six times? me."

"that's only because you cheated." jimin pouted, putting his hand on taehyung's chest. he leaned forward, hiding his face in taehyung's neck.

"no, you just suck at mario kart."

"i suck at other things too." jimin pulled back and winked, a grin spreading across his face when he saw taehyung choke on air.

"park jimin!" taehyung scolded, slapping his thigh lightly.

"what?" jimin grinned. "i'm innocent."

"innocent my ass," yoongi scoffed, coming down the steps. "anyways, i'm out. i gotta meet namjoon at the studio."

"'kay, be safe yoongs, it's supposed to storm later. call if you need anything." jimin waved to the older from where he sat on taehyung, the latter saying bye to yoongi as well.

"i'm bored," taehyung hummed.

"me too," jimin said, "let give kook and hoseok hyung a surprise visit."


"kookie, your favorite hyung is here!" jimin called out, dragging out jungkook's name. he walked into the living room after taking his shoes and jacket off, taehyung following suit. he gasped upon the scene in front of them, taehyung's jaw dropping.

jungkook was sitting on hoseok's lap, his arms around the older's neck as he softly kissed hoseok. jimin's gasp made them break apart and blush, jungkook falling as he rushed to get off of hoseok. jimin let go of taehyung's hand, rushing over to the younger and dragging him to the kitchen.

"jeon jungkook, what was that?" jimin asked, placing his hands on the younger's red cheeks.

jungkook blushed even more and looked at the ground, "uh, hoseok and i are sorta, kinda, maybe dating?"

jungkook gasped as jimin hugged him, "that's great! when did this happen?"

"about three weeks ago?" jungkook sheepishly answered. "but what about you and tae?"

"if you would have answered my calls and texts from the past month, you would know that i kissed taehyung and we have now been dating." jimin hummed, leaning against the counter.

"wait, what?" jungkook choked on air, "you kissed taehyung?"

jimin proudly nodded, "yup. now come on, i'm going to interrogate hoseok."

hopekook !

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