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jimin had his head on taehyung's shoulder, tracing the younger's veins with his index finger. taehyung was starting to fall asleep, his eyes noticeably heavy as his head tipped to the side, on top of jimin's. jimin himself was starting to get tired. the movie illuminated their faces lightly enough to make out the others' features. jimin looked up at taehyung and smiled, seeing the corner of taehyung's lips twitch upwards slightly.

a knock sounded at the door, alarming both jimin and taehyung. jimin sat up quickly and turned on a light, muttering a quiet sorry to taehyung- who groaned due to the sudden brightness. he went and answered the door, taehyung sleepily trailing behind him.

taehyung's head was on jimin's shoulder as he wrapped the blanket around them both, seeing as jimin was only in boxers and a sweater, taehyung himself dressed similarly. when jimin opened the door, taehyung's face dropped, as did- surprisingly- jimin's.


"not tonight, yoongi." jimin shook his head, "i've been with tae all day and i'm tired."

yoongi's frown deepened. "but- hoseok broke up with me."

jimin's heart sped up when yoongi looked at jimin with obvious exaggerated sadness. "i'm sorry to hear, but-"

"chim, i don't care. i was about to sleep anyways." taehyung whispered, a shiver going down jimin's spine at his breath.

"no, tae. i've left you too much to be with yoongi." jimin shook his head. "i'm sorry, yoongs."

yoongi falsely grinned, "it's okay jimin. hope you two have fun."

and with that, yoongi left. taehyung shook his head as jimin closed the door. he turned jimin so the smaller boy had his face in the crook of tae's neck, hugging him tightly. "why?"

"i miss spending time with you," jimin mumbles. "i can't do that if i'm allowing yoongi to fuck me constantly."

"i'd treat you so much better..." taehyung mumbled under his breath. jimin didn't catch what he said, thankfully.


"nothing, i said you could do so much better is all."

"tae, will you sleep with me tonight?" jimin quietly asked, his cheeks and ears burning.

"jimin, are you blushing?" taehyung gasped, pinching the obviously reddening cheek.

"no!" jimin denied, his blush getting darker.

"whatever you say, chim." taehyung said. he continued to hug jimin, nearly falling asleep on his shoulder right there. taehyung planted a kiss on jimin's orange hair, "of course, now let's go. i'm tired, i know you are too."

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