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hoseok was sitting back on yoongi's knees. his head was on the older's shoulder, taking in his scent. he could feel the even, slow breaths yoongi took. he was close to falling asleep, up until he felt yoongi's lips on his shoulder and his hands running up his thighs.

"yoongs, stop it." hoseok sat up, putting his hands on yoongi's. "i'm not ready."

"we've been together for four years, how are you not ready?" yoongi grumbled.

"i'm just not comfortable with sex right now." hoseok shrugged, suddenly feeling small. he felt an argument coming on. this wouldn't be the first one they've had simply because hoseok turned yoongi down.

"sex really isn't that bad, babe..." yoongi said, intertwining hoseok's hand with his. "it feels so much better than how it's described in the books."

hoseok stood up and sat down a foot or two away from yoongi. "no."

the most 'sexual' thing yoongi's ever done with hoseok was giving each other hickies. they had gone no farther than that, and yoongi hated it. jimin definitely wasn't his first choice, but he's naïve- something hoseok isn't. yoongi's aware taehyung and jungkook hate him, but it didn't stop him from playing around with jimin. he knows he'd literally be dead meat if he says anything even remotely flirty to jin or namjoon, leaving jimin as his only option.

"i'm horny, hobi..." yoongi whined, glancing at hoseok.

"but i'm not." hoseok stood up. "and i'm tired. take care of your boner yourself."

yoongi waited until he was sure hoseok was asleep before sneaking out and heading to jimin's.


jin was laying on namjoon's chest, watching jungkook run his fingers along jimin's thigh as he talked about whatever. jimin was dozing off onto jungkook's shoulder, his eyes heavy as he listened to the younger's rambling.

"-and honestly, he is just so cute." jungkook grinned. jimin knew about yugyeom, thanks to a little bird who goes by the name kim taehyung. he was happy for jungkook. the two eldest just listened, waiting on jungkook to talk himself to sleep.

his rambles were cut short when the door swung open, startling everyone. jimin sat up, alarmed. jungkook stood up, walking toward the door to see who just invited themselves in. he was hoping it was taehyung, because it would be reasonable.

but, unfortunately, jungkook met the eyes of yoongi.

"who is- oh." jimin appeared behind jungkook. jimin's heart fluttered when he saw yoongi. the older's hair was messy, his cheeks red and puffy. he looked cute. yoongi looked at jimin, he ignored namjoon and jin (who had come in the room now), and nodded towards the steps. jimin sighed and turned to his friends, "i gotta go. you can do whatever."

and then, yoongi led jimin upstairs.

"i guess taehyung wasn't exaggerating like we thought." namjoon mumbled.

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