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"so what was this emergency?" seokjin asked, sitting across from jimin. he had a warm cup of tea while jimin settled with an iced coffee.

"i kissed taehyung." jimin spat out. he watched seokjin smile wide, letting out a coo. "and he, uh, kissed back."

"did you like it?" seokjin asked, reaching across the table to hold jimin's hand. "wait, actually, jungkook told me you only see taehyung as a friend- do you still see him like that?"

"i don't think so," jimin mumbled. "i mean, i got this warm feeling when i kissed him. it felt...good. really good."

"so are you saying you like taehyung?" seokjin asked.

"kind of?" jimin gave an iffy answer, but it was good enough for seokjin. "i don't want to date him or anything until i know my exact feelings. i don't want to lead him on."

"good, don't." seokjin nodded. "have you talked to taehyung?"

"well, yeah," jimin nodded. "but not about making anything official."

"well let him know about your feelings," seokjin said. "don't let him get his hopes up and then tell him you don't like him."

"i'm not yoongi," jimin scoffed. "i'm not going to toy with taehyung's heart, even if it were a life or death situation."


"where did you go this morning?" taehyung asked, hugging jimin's cold body. jimin hummed and hugged back.

"i was talking to seokjin hyung." jimin answered. he looked up at taehyung, "about you."

"oh?" taehyung asked, "what about me?"

"my undying love for you," jimin teased, walking past taehyung and into the kitchen. "just about us and in the future."

"what do you mean 'us'?" taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. he watched jimin hoist himself onto the counter, cutely swinging his legs. he leaned on the counter across from jimin, crossing his arms.

"because-" jimin sighed and looked at the floor. "i think i'm developing a crush on you...and i don't know."

taehyung watched as jimin got shy, the older nervously scratching his neck. taehyung chuckled. "you think?"

"i mean- yeah." jimin huffed.

"well, who said i like you back?" taehyung said, before realizing just how mean the phrase really sounded. he meant to say it in a light-hearted, joking tone but it came out a lot more harsh than what he intended it to.

jimin's face visibly dropped, "oh. i just- i thought- nevermind. it isn't important."

"jimin, wait-" taehyung tried to grab and stop jimin as he walked past, but it didn't work, jimin was already upstairs.

"damnit taehyung, you just blew your fucking chance." taehyung cursed lowly at himself.

do you all still hate yoongi 👀

also triple update hello !

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