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"so this is what you two do all day?" jungkook questioned, licking his spoon from any ice cream left on it. "eat pizza and ice cream?"

taehyung and jimin nodded. they sat on opposite ends of the couch, avoiding eye contact with each other. jimin's lips were set in a frown, taking small bites of the ice cream on his lap. taehyung, although happy, felt guilt wash over him when he looked at jimin and had no idea why.

maybe because he kissed - made out - with jimin whilst drunk, when the older obviously had no romantic feelings toward the younger.

taehyung watched as jungkook sat forward, "you two are acting weird."

"no we aren't." jimin denied. he knew they were, he never sat this far away from taehyung. he frowned and pushed the melting ice cream around the bottom of the container, suddenly losing his appetite.

"you two are practically joined at the hip." jungkook said, "even in public you two are practically on top of each other. so why are you so awkward around each other now?"

"i made out with my best friend whilst drunk, jungkook." jimin started, not noticing how taehyung's face dropped when he said best friend. "why do you think i feel awkward?"

"your point is?" jungkook groaned. "it happens every day and they all just let it go once they've sobered up."

jimin stayed quiet. he knew taehyung would let it go, but for some reason, he couldn't.

taehyung sighed and stood up. "i'm going to take a nap."


after jimin had left, mumbling something about thinking, jungkook saw the opportunity to talk to taehyung about said boy.

he sat on the counter behind taehyung, swinging his feet and nearly kicking taehyung by accident. "you love jimin, right?"

"what?" the brunette asked, turning around to meet eyes with jungkook.

"do you love jimin?" he repeated. "are you in love with him?"

"i..." taehyung began, "i am."

jungkook smiled big, his teeth showing. "then show him."

"how do i do that, jungkook?" the older asked. "he has no feelings for me. he views us as friends only."

"friends don't blush like crazy when you compliment them, do they? or is that a jimin thing?" jungkook questioned. "you've known jimin your entire life, i'm sure you've experienced all of his crushes. what is he like around them?"

"well," taehyung mumbled. "he gets really shy and there's this look of admiration on his face. you saw how he looked at yoongi. that's the look he gives a crush."

jungkook nodded, "i see. hey,if you don't mind me asking, when did you realize you love jimin?"

taehyung glanced at the younger. "six years ago, on my fifteenth birthday."

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