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jimin woke up the next morning to a body under his own. his head was on taehyung's chest, the younger's hands under his shirt and rubbing small circles onto his back. jimin hummed in content and only hugged onto taehyung tighter.

taehyung's eyes fluttered open when he felt jimin move, looking down at the small boy in his arms who was playing with the necklace jimin bought him one year for christmas. his heart swelled at the sight.

"morning, minnie." taehyung greeted, seeing jimin look up and give him his cute, heart-melting eye smile.

"morning, tae." he yawned, sitting up on taehyung's thighs and rubbing his eyes. "do you want to help make breakfast?"

taehyung smiled and held jimin's smaller hand in his much bigger one, "of course."


"i hate you." jimin pouted, looking at the flour covering him and taehyung who was giggling and had the bag in his hand.

"you love me," taehyung grinned, his eyes widening when he saw jimin pick up the carton of eggs next to him. he saw jimin smirk before throwing eggs at him, fighting back with the flour.

they ran around the kitchen dodging whatever food item they had picked up, hiding behind the counters and table. they nearly slipped a few times, making them yell.

"shit!" jimin yelled, slipping on an egg on the floor. as if on instinct, taehyung dropped the flour and reached out to catch jimin, the older's head mere centimeters from hitting the tile flooring.

"you alright?" taehyung asked, his heart pounding. he let his eyes scan jimin's face, the variety of food items taehyung threw at him covering his skin.

"i-i'm fine." jimin stuttered.,he started to lean forward, his mind screaming at him to stop, that he didn't want to kiss his best friend, again, but he couldn't bring himself to stop.

taehyung didn't stop him either, and let it happen.

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