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taehyung smiled adoringly,  watching jimin run and laugh while running through a wide, empty, beautiful field with bubbles surrounding him. taehyung snapped picture after picture. usually, he would make his model do a pose, but with jimin, he somehow couldn't.

the pictures were undeniably beautiful. the sun hit jimin in all the right places. the wind was blowing softly, jimin taking in the breeze.

taehyung didn't notice his gaze on the older until he spoke up. "tae, can i see them?"

taehyung blinked. he went through the pictures, finding the first one he took. "here."

jimin took the camera into his hands, shielding the sun from the screen. taehyung nervously watched as jimin flipped through, his jaw slack.

finally, jimin looked up, "taehyung...these are beautiful. we've got to frame them."


"how are you liking the orange hair, chim?" taehyung asked. he sat down next to jimin and looked at him adoringly, holding a cup of tea.

jimin grinned his beautiful eye-smile amd looked at taehyung, patting his hair. "i love it! i like it a lot more than i thought i would."

"i like it too." taehyung says, putting his feet on the table. "it suits you really well."

"you think?" jimin hummed, rubbing his eyes cutely.

tae nodded, "definitely."

it was silent for a moment before jimin spoke up, "hey, tae, can i ask you something?"

"you just did." he joked. jimin rolled his eyes at the younger. "but yes, you can. what is it?"

"do you think yoongi hyung will like it?"

there it was. taehyung should've expected jimin to say something like that. something about yoongi. taehyung's face visibly dropped, jimin quickly getting concerned. "tae?"

taehyung smiled, of course it wasn't real, and answered jimin. "i'm positive he'll like it, chim. you look really good with it."

jimin smiled softly, knowing taehyung's face dropped because of yoongi. he just never understood why he hates the mint haired boy so much.

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