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yoongi had jimin pinned against the wall, licking and nipping at the younger's neck and collarbones. his hands were on jimin's hips, holding them in place. yoongi was aroused, it was easy to tell from a mile away.

"yoongi," jimin said softly, unhooking his hands from around yoongi's shoulders and placed them on his chest, pushing the older back slightly. "i'm not in the mood..."

"what?" yoongi stepped back, clearly disappointed. "why? you're always in the mood."

"i..." jimin sighed. "i just don't feel well."

"you were fine thirty minutes ago."

"i just don't want to have sex tonight, yoongi."

yoongi nodded, sticking his hands in his pockets. "i'll just go out and drink. i'll be sure to drive home safely, don't worry too much."

jimin grabbed yoongi's wrist before he could leave, "you're going to drive while drunk? yoongi, you could get someone or yourself killed!"

yoongi frowned, "how else am i going to deal with this mess hoseok has created?"

jimin let go of yoongi's grip. his lips were set in a frown, his hands at his sides.

"i don't have all night jimin." yoongi said, "either i stay or i go."

jimin sighed heavily, gripping the edge of his sweater. "if this keeps you from potentially dying, then...stay, i guess."

outside the door, taehyung sighed heavily. he sometimes wishes jimin wasn't such a nice person.


"i'm going to go home for a couple of days," taehyung says quietly, stirring his coffee slowly. "is that okay?"

"of course," jimin nods. "you're not obliged to stay here, tae."

"i know," taehyung shrugs. "but i just figured..."

"he's not coming back tonight. promise." jimin sighed.

"i wasn't talking about...yoongi." taehyung mumbled, and then spoke up. "i meant, it's just, i'm here so much i didn't know if you'd want to be alone."

"i'll call you or jungkook if i get too lonely, okay?" jimin smiles softly, holding the cup of tea taehyung made for him.

"okay." taehyung said. he finished off his coffee, placing the mug in the sink. he went around the island to give jimin a hug. "i'll see you in a day or two, jiminie. love you."

"love you too, tae. i'll miss you."

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