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yoongi looked out of the window of his studio, watching the snow fall freely. he smiled softly, the small half-empty and now cold cup of coffee sat by his computer moniter. the dark haired male let out a yawn, rubbing his eyes as he placed his headphones back on and turned to his computer.

while he tapped away, listening to file after file, a small knock was on the door. yoongi paused the track and turned to face the door, "come in."

he wasn't expecting to see hoseok and jungkook walk in with a fresh cup of coffee and a bag in hand, their cheeks red from the cold.

"what's this?" yoongi asked, taking the items and motioning to the couch he had in his studio for the two to sit on.

"seokjin and jimin forced us to bring you food. and coffee." hoseok grinned, while jungkook's eyes drooped, as if he were sleepy.

"oh, thank you." yoongi smiled. he took a drink of the coffee, not flinching when it burnt his tongue.

hoseok nodded. "do you need a ride back? i know you normally take the bus..."

"i guess it couldn't hurt. just let me pack everything up and we can go."


"what's wrong with taehyung? he looks like death." yoongi asked, seeing jimin kneeling next to the unusually pale boy on the couch, trying to warm him up with the mountain of blankets on him.

"he's sick." jimin sighed, standing up amd going into the kitchen. "there's some leftover soup, it should still be warm if you want any."

"i'm fine, hoseok and jungkook brought food to me." yoongi yawned. "i'd stay and keep you company, or help with tae, but i'm on the verge of passing out."

"goodnight, yoongi." jimin smiled, grabbing a blanket out of a cabinet in the hall before covering himself up and laying on the couch opposite of taehyung.

soft soft soft

this is the 6th ??? update tonight wow i need to s t o p

i know it's july i can't wait for autumn/winter to roll back around,, i love the cold months so. much

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