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when taehyung left to go buy food for jimin, himself, and yoongi, jimin was peacefully sleeping in their shared bed and yoongi sat on the couch and worked on a song, multiple empty coffee cups around him. so when taehyung got back and saw jimin hugging a soft dolphin plushie he bought at the aquarium close to his chest while laying across yoongi's lap, tear stains on his cheeks, taehyung automatically thought yoongi had something to do with it.

"why is jimin crying?" taehyung asked, panicking as yoongi removed his hand from jimin's messy hair. taehyung crouched down by the duo, running his thumb along jimin's cheekbone. he peered up at yoongi, "what did you do?"

"i did nothing," yoongi scoffed, "i heard crying from your guys' bedroom so i went to check on jimin, he clung to me all the way in here in tears. he ended up falling back asleep."

"why was he crying?" taehyung asked.

"don't know. he wouldn't say." yoongi responded, shrugging. taehyung stood up amd sighed, picking up jimin so he could place him on the other couch. taehyung heard yoongi's light footsteps go to where he'd placed the food before going into the kitchen.

"you know i changed," yoongi sighed. "but i understand why you assumed."

"i'm sorry, yoongi hyung," taehyung mumbled. "it's just---when i saw jimin crying, asleep, i thought of the times i'd walk into his room after you left and see him in that exact state, but y'know, naked."

yoongi nodded."i don't want to hurt him, jimin...he's a good kid, i don't know why i was the way i was, really. sex does feel amazing, but i let my horomones get in the way of, well, everything."

"i'm glad you opened your eyes," taehyung said, "we see the real min yoongi. not the sex-crazed one."


this is short :(

i wasn't in much of a writing mood but,, if i don't push myself i'll literally forget about this for a week or two

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