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2 Y E A R S L A T E R

"kim seokjin, i swear to god." taehyung groaned into the phone, rubbing his forehead frustratedly. he sighed, "just keep him away from our house for at least two hours."

"i can try," seokjin says, and taehyung could hear jimin protesting in the background. "taehyung, how did you put up with jimin for twenty-four years? jesus, i can't handle him for a day."

"you'll get used to him," taehyung spoke, "i gotta go, tell jimin i love him."

"jimin, taehyung loves you!" seokjin yelled, before laughing and hanging up. taehyung shook his head and pocketed his phone, checking on the food he had on the stove. hoseok was stirring something, contributing to the preparation for jimin and taehyung's anniversary.

"i'm sure jimin is giving jungkook, yoongi, namjoon, amd seokjin hell right now." hoseok laughed, turning to taehyung.

"he is, i just got off of the phone with jin." taehyung grinned, "he wants to come home."

"two hours." hoseok winked, making a blush rise to taehyung's cheeks. he eyed the set up on their kitchen table. "jungkook and i's anniversary is coming up soon and i have no idea what to do."

"ask jimin for help, he knows him better than all of us." taehyung shrugged. he leaned against the counter, running a hand through his hair.

"you seem stressed." hoseok said, observing how dull the younger was acting, especially on a day like this.

"i'm not stressed, just nervous." taehyung mumbled. "two years ago, on the night namjoon proposed, he said in a year or two he'd be ready to marry. but i don't know if it was him or the lack of sleep talking."

"jimin looks at you like you're his world," hoseok began. "he's going to say yes. in fact, i overheard him talking to jungkook the other day about marriage."

taehyung's head snapped up, "what did he say?"

"i didn't catch much, from what i actually did hear, he is ready." hoseok informed. taehyung visibly loosened up, letting out a soft sigh. taehyung's phone buzzed in his pocket, making him frown. he knew it was jimin, and he couldn't talk to him because he knows the older will just guilt him into coming back home earlier.

eventually, jimin was allowed to come home, to the small house he and taehyung now shared. they handed the apartment off to yoongi, wanting to give the rapper his own space. as soon as jimin walked into the house, he found taehyung and peppered kisses all over his face, hugging him tight and mumbling, "i missed you, i love you." over and over.

"you really kept me away all day for this?" jimin pouted, seeing the fancy dinner on the table. he picked up the rose, smelling it before placing it back into the vase. he turned and took taehyung's larger hands into his smaller ones, kissing the younger's cheek. "thank you, tae. i love it."

taehyung leaned down, kissing jimin quickly. "this isn't the only thing, i have a couple of other things planned. now let's eat."

as they ate, jimin praising the food with every bite, taehyung would let his hand ghost over the ring in his pocket, happy that jimin hasn't noticed it yet. taehyung had gotten both jungkook and yoongi's help on picking it out, and taehyung hoped jimin loved the ring as much as he did.

"tae," jimin said softly, "what's wrong?"

"i'm fine, why?" taehyung answered, rubbing jimin's knuckles with his thumb.

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