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jungkook had a huge smile on his face as he walked around the kitchen, gathering the things he needed to make breakfast. he glanced at his friends, taehyung with his head on the table while jimin had his head on taehyung's back. taehyung also put on a shirt, whereas jimin remained in just his underwear and a blanket wrapped around his body.

"so, hyungs," jungkook began, "how was your night?"

"fuck off." jimin groaned, sitting up. he ran a hand through his fading orange hair, his cheeks puffing out.

"did you two have sex last night?" jungkook joked, making both jimin and taehyung look at him wide-eyed. "you two were pretty touchy with each other last night."

"touchy how?" taehyung asked, his deep morning voice sending chills down jimin's spine.

"well," jungkook said, putting the knife in his hand down and reaching over to jimin, pulling the blanket covering jimin off to expose his neck. "i didn't do that, and jimin can't do it to himself."

taehyung's eyes grew wide, using a hand to touch them. jimin smacked his hand away. "don't press down so hard."

taehyung swallowed and looked away. he stared out of the window and bit his lip nervously,  playing with his fingers. jimim noticed and frowned, back hugging taehyung the best he could in the positions they were sitting in. 

"tae, don't be upset." jimin whispered, setting his head on taehyung's shoulder. he felt the younger slightly loosen up in his arms. "i'm not upset, if that's what you're thinking."

"i-i'm not," taehyung mumbled. "it was my first kiss, is all."

jimin sat up a little bit straighter, "taehyung, i didn't mean to steal your first kiss." he frowned, feeling guilty. "i'm so sorry."

maybe i'm happy you were my first kiss, taehyung thought.

"that doesnt bother me. i just wished i was sober." taehyung sighed and got up. "i'm going to take a shower."

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