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jimin sat with his knees hugged to his chest and stared at the tv, which was turned off after searching for something to watch and nothing catching jimin's eye. he wanted to call taehyung, but he didn't want to bother him. hearing the ticking of the clock whenever a minute passed got annoying after a while.

changing positions, jimin lied down and brought out his phone, puffing his cheeks out. he tapped away, bringing jungkook's contact up and pressing 'call'.

"jiminie!" jungkook exclaimed, happily picking up the phone after two rings.

"hey, kook." jimin smiled, "i was wondering if you could come over? tae went home last night and i'm bored."

the line went quiet for a second, before jimin heard the younger speak again. "i'm with jin and namjoon hyung..."

"they can come along too!"

jimin heard jungkook click his tongue and pull the phone away from his mouth. he heard mumbles, before he heard jungkook clearly again. "we'll be over in five minutes, have your door unlocked."

before jimin had the chance to say bye, jungkook had already hung up. jimin shook his head and dropped his phone on his stomach. he sat up and looked at the couple of empty water bottles on his table, before picking them up and disposing them.

"how are you not dead, jungkook?" jimin heard someone retort from the living room. jimin went back into the living room and saw jungkook with two others -- namjoon and jin. who was who, jimin didn't know. he knew who the two were, but didn't personally know them.

"hello," jimin grinned.

"hello," one of the two stepped forward, he had pink hair. "i'm namjoon."

"i'm assuming you're jin?" jimin asked the other, who shoved jungkook forward.

"you would be correct," jin smiled. "ah, you're a lot cuter than i thought."

jimin's smile dropped. "what does that mean?" he asked.

"ignore him," namjoon rolled his eyes. "we're finally getting to meet the boy taehyung goes on and on about."

jungkook hit namjoon on the shoulder, namjoon hitting him back. jin shook his head at the two, before walking over to jimin.


"wait, so you're telling me jungkook didn't cook? only said he did but it was really take-out?" jin said, looking over at the younger. "jeon jungkook! did you ever learn anything i taught you?"

jimin laughed and leaned back to laugh at the eldest and youngest bicker. "this happens on a daily basis," namjoon told him. jimin saw the way he looked at jin, amd only wished someone would look at him like that. not like they want to fuck him (ahem, yoongi).

jimin calmed himself before turning to namjoon, "you and jin are really cute, you know."

namjoon blushed at the younger's comment, "yeah, but not as cute as-"

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