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"when did you learn how to cook, jungkook?" taehyung asked.

"when i was dating chimchim over there," jungkook said, motioning to jimin and adding a wink.

"no you didn't," jimin said, blushing. "i saw the take-out boxes. don't try me, jeongguk. and only tae can call me chim."

jungkook elbowed taehyung in the side and wiggled his eyebrows. taehyung shook his head at the younger with red cheeks, "kook, you can stay here tonight. it's not safe to drive."

"i'll be fine!"

"you won't be," taehyung argued, "jimin how did you put up with him for a year?"

jimin turned to taehyung and shrugged, "i've put up with you for twenty-two."


despite jungkook saying he was 100% okay with sleeping on the couch, jimin wouldn't allow it and neither would taehyung. after arguing for god knows how long, jimin 'accidentally' fell asleep on the couch. so when taehyung was going to bed, he brought jimin with him. even if jimin was a pain to sleep with sometimes.

he didn't want jimin complaining about his back - or any body part for that matter - hurting. he already heard it enough because of yoongi.

jimin stirred in his sleep all night, small whimpers escaping his lips. they weren't sexual, more or less just disturbed, like he was having a nightmare or something.

all taehyung could do was whisper sweet nothings into jimin's ear and run a hand through his hair, seeing small smiles form soon enough.

jimin is definitely worth losing sleep over.


"i heard whimpers last night, hyungs." jungkook smirked, "what were you guys up to, hm?"

"get your mind out of the gutter, who's teaching you this stuff?" taehyung shook his head, continuing to stir his coffee as well as checking jimin's. "and i'll have you know, jimin was having nightmares. nothing inappropriate happened, you fetus."

"excuse me?" jungkook mocked offense, jimin laughing at the two.

"you're like, 5, kook."

"you're one to talk, i mean-"

"jimin, are you free?" a voice, an unwanted voice by two of the three, sounded through the kitchen. jungkook looked from yoongi to jimin and back to yoongi.

"so he just walks in like he lives here?" jungkook asked, his voice uneven. when both taehyung and jimin nod, he speaks again. "what the hell?"

"i'm free," jimin stood up from his seat, sending apologetic looks toward his best friend and ex as he followed yoongi upstairs.

"so, that's just it?" jungkook scoffed.

"i know."

jungkook looked toward taehyung, "we need to do something about this."

"i know, kook."

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