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taehyung woke up to laying on top of jungkook, the younger still sleeping peacefully. taehyung rubbed his face and sat up, finding his phone to check the time.


taehyung knew, right then, that he needed to go. jimin was surely working himself up because taehyung was late.


taehyung was right.

he rushed in, yelling out jimin's name and searching frantically for him. he found the small boy in his bed crying silently while staring at an old exo poster jimin had gotten him for his birthday one year.

"jiminie,"taehyung whispered, crawling into his bed with jimin. he wrapped his arms around the older, avoiding his lower region, knowing he'd be in pain.

"i thought you left me." jimin's voice was so broken, it tore taehyung's heart in two. jimin sniffled, "i th-thought you left me just like yoongi."

taehyung turned jimin so he was facing him and held him tightly against his chest, stroking jimin's soft light brown hair. "never, chim. i would never leave,you. ever. i'd rather die than part ways with you."

"i love him so much, tae." jimin sobbed, holding onto taehyung as if his life depended on it.

"i know, baby. i know." and if jimin only knew how much taehyung loves him.


while walking home from work, taehyung received a text from jungkook.


you forgot to wear a condom v.v

jimin's lover
this was meant for yugyeom right
i always remember

ofc not
you don't know what i did while you were asleep
anyways,, i wanted to let you know i'm omw to your's bc jimin is scared and you're taking five million years

jimin's lover
i'm trying to hurry smh
and it's jimin's apartment, not mine

read 6:42PM


taehyung shook his head and sent water flying in different directions when he entered jimin's apartment. he took off his shoes and jacket, setting them near the heater to dry.

"honey, i'm home!" taehyung called.

"in here!" he heard jungkook yell, from sounded like the kitchen. water was dripping off every part of him thanks to the delightful storm he walked in. in the kitchen, he saw jungkook cooking and jimin wrapped in a blanket with hot chocolate, whipped cream on the corner of his mouth. it was a cute sight.

"has yoongi come by?" taehyung asked.

"thankfully he hasn't." jungkook answered, not taking his eyes off whatever was on the stove.

"why are you guys so against yoongi hyung?" jimin pouted.

taehyung backhugged jimin, nuzzling his face in jimin's soft hair that always smelled like strawberries. "because he's not good for you, chim. he's ruining you."

"tae's right," jungkook agreed. he then pointed at tae, "go change, you're getting everything wet."

taehyung rolled his eyes and began up the steps, "you've been around seokjin too much."

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