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"so when's the wedding?" yoongi asked, kicking his feet up onto the table. he locked his phone and set it on his stomach, looking over at namjoon and pointing at him. "you, i want to be best man."

"of course." namjoon rolled his eyes, "brat."

"hey! i'm older than you!" yoongi scolded. "the disrespect."

"we never call each other hyung," jimin spoke, "so we're kind of disrespecting each other everyday. except for jin."

"he's got a point." taehyung shrugged, pulling the boy into his chest. jimin was half asleep, curled up in taehyung's arms.

"true." hoseok mumbled.

"i want a summer wedding." seokjin hummed, "i like those. they're beautiful."

namjoon nodded, "agreed. but you're still more beautiful."

"so many couples." yoongi sighed, "love is so complicated."

"you're not wrong," taehyung said, lightly scratching jimin's back as the small boy played with his fingers.

"so when will you two get married?" seokjin joked, nodding toward jimin and taehyung.

"we've been together for three
months, chill." taehyung rolled his eyes, his blood rushing to his cheeks.

"hoseok and i have been together for a month and i'm sure he'd marry me." jungkook sleepily mumbled. hoseok rolled his eyes, rubbing his boyfriend's shoulders.

"okay." taehyung snorted, looking down to see jimin had fallen asleep. he hooked jimin's arms around his neck and stood up, being careful to not drop the sleeping boy and turned to yoongi. "i'm gonna go, jimin fell asleep. yoongi, are you coming?"

yoongi nodded and stood up, stretching similarly to a cat. "yeah."

"bye guys. congrats, seokjin and namjoon." taehyung said, flashing the engaged couple a grin.


"i heard what you said earlier." jimin mumbled, playing with one of the buttons on taehyung's shirt. "about marrying me."

taehyung wrapped his arms around jimin, "oh. what about it?"

"i definitely want to marry you, but in a year or two." jimin kissed taehyung's cheek, "i don't want that kind of commitment right now."

taehyung nodded, "me too."

jimin watched with a fond smile as taehyung rubbed his fingers over jimin's fourth left finger, mumbling about how beautiful a ring would look on it.

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