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"stop it, tae." jimin giggled, feeling taehyung's hair against his chin as the younger of the two left kisses on his neck. jimin straddled taehyung, his arms loosely hooked around taehyung's neck. "i have to meet namjoon in thirty minutes."

"you think he'll mind if you're a few minutes late?" taehyung asked, sliding his hands down to jimin's thighs, squeezing them. jimin groaned softly.

"yeah, unfortunately." jimin pouted.

"we can continue when you get back, right?" taehyung asked, licking his lips.

jimin stood up, but not before leaning close to his boyfriend and letting his lips ghost over his ear. "of course, daddy."

"damnit, jimin." taehyung groaned, watching the slightly older boy giggle and grab his jacket, walking out the door. he groaned and rolled onto his stomach, taking his phone off of the charger and scrolling through his twitter and instagram.


"did you and taehyung fuck before you left?" namjoon asked, seeing the wrecked appearance of jimin's. his clothes were wrinkled and his hair was messy, lips swollen.

"no, but we were close." jimin nonchalantly shrugged, following namjoon. "so what were your plans? about the proposal?"

"well, jungkook said i could do it on our anniversary, which is next week." namjoon said, "but i don't know if i wan't to do it so soon."

"you do," jimin said, stopping and turning to look at the older. "you've been with seokjin for seven years, right?"

namjoon nodded, opening his mouth to speak but jimin cut him off. "see! seokjin is still, very very noticeably, in love with you. he'll say yes, i swear."


"no buts, kim namjoon." jimin sternly told him.

"but i don't know what to do." namjoon let out a frustrated sigh, running his fingers through his newly dyed brown hair. jimin rolled his eyes.

"cook him a nice breakfast, take it to him in bed. set the ring on the plate or tray, whichever you use, and once he notices you ask the question and bam! you're engaged." jimin explained.

"yet, i can't cook." namjoon tells him.

"it's the thought that counts." jimin shrugged.

"so it'll be the thought that counts when i burn our house down trying to cook?" namjoon asks.

"just try not to burn the house down, i mean," jimin shrugged, before dragging namjoon into a nearby café. "come on, i'm hungry."

how would you all feel if i made an entire vmin series based on sex,, not like this book but just general bc i have tons of ideas

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