thank you ♡

6K 237 20

wow ?? uh i don't even know where to begin

this is officially at 16K and ?? i'm just so amazed because it seems like it was just yesterday i was getting excited to see the reads went from 100 to 105 smh

i don't know, but thank you sososososososo much for actually supporting this mess.

i dont know how to feel now that this is over, i'm so attached to it

but yeah,,

i have plans for a "sex" series that's vmin,, this book inspiring it pft so watch out for that :)

before i end this, does anyone have questions about anything? i'll just answer in the comments rather than make a new part for it tho,, so !! if there are any you'll know where to look

i'm going to end this unnecessary part here but, once again, thank you so much.
i hope you're all doing well ♡ ily all

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