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when taehyung heard the door open, he went into the living room to greet jimin. he saw jimin, but there was someone behind him.

that someone was someone everyone hated; min yoongi.

taehyung's face dropped and jimin noticed it. he walked over to his somewhat-kinda-official-but-not-official boyfriend and laced their fingers together as a way to calm his nerves. it seemed to work. slightly.

"jimin, why is he here?" taehyung asked lowly. jimin rolled his eyes and whispered to taehyung.

"he's got nowhere to go. he's been on the streets for weeks, i don't care how much i hate him, i don't have the heart to just leave him like that. the guilt would eat me alive if i had and you know it."


"he won't try anything. i explained to him everything that's gone on between you and i since, okay?"

"i don't trust him." taehyung sighed.

"i understand why." jimin cleared his throat. "he would never actually hold me down and force me into anything. he may be a shitty person, but he isn't that shitty."

taehyung sighed again, rubbing jimin's neck. "fine, but you're sleeping in my room."

"i was going to anyways, whether he was here or not." jimin playfully rolled his eyes and softly kissed taehyung, shoving the flour into his hands. "here's your beloved flour."


jimin dumped a pile of clothes in yoongi's arms, things that were too small for jimin himself or just didn't wear and figured yoongi could have since, for starters, he was a smaller size than jimin and two, he had no clothes.

"thank you," yoongi hummed. "where is your bathroom,i want to try these on."

"it's directly across the hall from my room. you can take a shower, i'll go help taehyung with dinner." jimin rambled, walking out of the room.

yoongi chuckled, following jimin's directions toward the bathroom.

how would you all feel about super soft, fluffy with possible slight angst parent!yoonmin 👀

we also got to 1K votes and i'm so thankful 💓

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