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yoongi stayed home - at jimin's apartment - while taehyung went to a last-minute shoot and jimin went shopping, browsing around for jobs on jimin's computer so he could eventually get himself back on his feet.

while scrolling down the page, he noticed an ad for someone to teach piano lessons at a nearby music shop. he hummed in delight, grabbing his phone and typing in the number before pressing 'call'.


"how was the shoot, tae?" jimin asked, nuzzling his face in taehyung's neck.

"it was good," taehyung mumbled. "i tried talking my boss into giving me a normal work schedule since all of us photographers want one, but he wasn't allowing it."

"you get paid even though you never have to work," jimin mumbled. "like, that is a dream."

"oh yeah- i got a job!" jimin added on, clapping happily.

"why?" taehyung asked, "where at?"

"i'm bored of being stuck here everyday." jimin shrugged. "i work at seokjin's café."

"you'll love it," taehyung hummed. "you better bring me home food."

"of course," jimin snorted. "what kind of boyfriend would i be if i didn't?"

"boyfriend?" taehyung asked, raising an eyebrow. "i like the sound of that."

"shush," jimin blushed and hid his face. "i do too."

"how about we officialize it?" taehyung winked, cooing at jimin.


"park jimin, will you do the honor of being my boyfriend?" taehyung asked, puffing his cheeks out.

jimin laughed and hit them, "of course."

"ugh, you two are gross." yoongi gagged, hanging up his jacket and toeing off his shoes. "anyways, congrats. also, i got a job."

"where at?" jimin asked, his eyes following yoongi.

"that music shop down the street. i'm going to be a piano teacher or whatever." yoongi shrugged. "not my first option, but it'll do."

"what would your first option as a job be, then?" taehyung asked, tracing shapes onto jimin's stomach that was slowly getting softer, instead of the slight abs the boy used to have.

"a rapper." yoongi sighed. "i've always wanted to be one."

"well, why didn't you?" taehyung asked.

"nobody would support me. they thought i was kidding." yoongi shrugged. "but it's whatever."

"rap for us." jimin said. he sat back against taehyung's chest, playing with the younger's big hands. taehyung smiled at the feeling, setting his head on jimin's shoulder.

"i..." yoongi blushed, it was the first time anyone had asked him to rap. "are you sure?"

"yeah." jimin shrugged. "i'd like to hear it."

"me too." taehyung piped up.


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