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"jimin, i'm sorry." taehyung's voice cracked as he tried for the nth time to get jimin to open the door. "please let me explain baby."

the door then opened just enough for taehyung to get a glimpse of the red, puffy eyed jimin behind the door. he was wrapped in a blanket and looked as if he would start crying again any moment.

"f-five mi-minutes." jimin sniffled.

"look, jimin, i love you, okay?" taehyung cleared his voice in hopes it wouldn't crack as much from crying. "i love you. i'm,in love with you. i meant to say that as a joke but it came out a lot harsher than i intended it to. i'm sorry, baby."

"r-really?" jimin asked in a soft voice. when taehyung nodded, he opened the door a bit more and made grabby hands toward the younger.

"you're so damn cute," taehyung laughed. "can i kiss you?"

"kiss me all you want, don't ask." jimin mumbled.


jimin ran to the store to buy some flour- seeing as they had none left after the food fight. while he was looking for the cheapest bag, he felt someone bump into him. naturally, he moves out of the way, but looked up as he did so.

he was met with the pale face of min yoongi with packs of crackers sticking out of his pockets. jimin knew he should have turned away and ignored him, but he couldn't.

maybe it was the way his cheeks were sunken in and there was a bruise under his eye and jimin's heart ached at the thought of someone hurting yoongi- no matter how much he hated the older.

"yoongi?" he softly stretched out a hand and frowned when yoongi flinched when he got near the bruise. "what happened?"

"nothing happened, jimin." yoongi sighed. "i'm alright."

"no you aren't," jimin pressed. "you have a bruise on your face, you've lost weight, you're wearing dirty clothes, and you're stealing food. why?"

"i'm homeless." yoongi sighed, not making eye contact with jimin.

jimin blinked in confusion, "yoongi, what the hell? why?"

"my boss died a few days after i got my own apartment after hoseok and i broke up and his daughter didn't want to continue running the business so they shut it down. i wasn't able to find a job paying well enough, or job in general, and got evicted. i've been stealing food and sleeping in parks since."

"i really shouldn't do this..." jimin sighed, grabbing what he needed off a shelf before turning to yoongi. "come on, you're coming with me. i can't let you suffer on the streets, no matter how much i hate you."

yoongi has returned.

i lied i'm giving you four updates//

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