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when taehyung got home that night, the last thing he was expecting to see was jimin on the couch crying silently. his orange hair was a downright mess- it looked as if he ran his hands through it nonstop.

"jimin?" the younger softly asked, sitting down next to jimin. he rubbed his back soothingly, "what happened?"

"min yoongi happened." jimin mumbled. he narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists, tears rolling out once again.

taehyung's heart dropped, "chim...what did he do?"

"he knew i liked him this entire time." jimin growled. "he was aware of my love for him, he knew he was hurting me. but he didn't care. as long as he got sex."

"don't tell me you still love him, park jimin." taehyung said lowly, looking into jimin's eyes. "i swear to god, if you still,love him the littlest bit after what he'd done..."

"i regret ever loving him. i hate him, tae, don't worry. yoongi won't be around anymore." jimin shook his head. he sighed and looked at taehyung, "i'm just...really pissed and upset right now."

"pizza and ice cream?" taehyung asked, a playful grin on his face.

"of course," jimin scoffed.

"in that case, i'll be right back." taehyung grabbed his keys and winked, pinching jimin's cheek and leaving the apartment.


"taehyung, what the hell?" jimin gasped. he had a towel around his waist that he was loosely holding together so he didn't expose himself. in front of taehyung on the table was, what seemed to be, five boxes of pizza and three tubs of strawberry ice cream.

taehyung, doing everything in his power to keep his eyes from wondering south, grinned. "i bought a ton."

"i can tell," jimin mumbled, "uh, i'm going to go get dressed. you can pick out a movie."


i truly love seeing everyone get mad and yell at yoongi in the comments

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