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seokin walked in the door, laughing at something taehyung had said. when he opened the door, he swung open carelessly, not expecting a human being to be behind it, hitting namjoon. jimin stood up and flipped the lights on, holding back his laughter as he went to check on namjoon and if he'd be okay.

"you fucking idiot," jimin scoffed, releasing the older's face. "there's no blood or anything, i think you'll be fine."

"so much for a surprise party," yoongi grumbled his eyes droopy and puffy, showing signs of lack of sleep.

"it's still a party, unless one of gets a broken nose. then we'll be celebrating in the hospital." jungkook joked, leaning into hoseok's side. hoseok wrapped an arm around the younger, holding him close.

"shut up, kook." jimin grinned, before taking the blindfold out of his back pocket and going behind seokjin, standing slightly on his tip toes so he could tie it tightly. "can you see? is it tight enough?"

"it's fine, but why the blindfold?" seokjin asked, feeling namjoon's hand grab his. he began walking, feeling jimin's fingers on his back as they walked.

"so we can push you out of your kitchen window." hoseok nonchalantly said, making jungkook choke on air.


"you know what, never mind." jungkook said, detaching himself from the orange haired boy and jumping onto taehyung.

"yah! get off!" jimin huffed, kicking jungkook's butt as the two walked past. he helped seokjin sit at the counter before lighting the candles and turning off the light, hoseok untying the blindfold when jimin told him to. as soon as seokjin's vision adjusted, he gasped and looked up.

"where did you get this? it's beautiful." he asked, a huge smile on his face. "it must've been expensive."

jimin snorted, "i made it."

seokjin gasped, feeling namjoon hug him around his shoulders. "it's beautiful, thank you jimin."

"anything for my favorite hyung," jimin teased, "alright, let's get this over with i want to eat."

they sang in sync, chills going down seokjin's spine at the sound of his boyfriend's deep voice in his ear and breath hitting his jawline and neck. as soon as it finished, he blew out the candles and waited for the lights to come on. when they did, he happened to, finally, take notice of the ring placed off from the candles.

"will you marry me?" namjoon asked before seokjin could say anything. the older could feel namjoon's heart racing from where the left side of his chest was placed on his back still.

it grew quiet, seokjin dropping his head. "i'm sorry, namjoon."

"i see," namjoon sighed and stood up. "i knew it was a bad idea-"

seokjin turned around on the stool he was sitting on and pulled namjoon into a kiss, "of course. i think us being together for nearly eight years says something, namjoon."

"i hate you." namjoon groaned, "god, i was about to cry."

"my little cry baby." seokjin teased. "i love you."

"i love you," namjoon hummed, kissing seokjin's head as he held onto the older's shoulders and squeezed tightly. "happy birthday, beautiful."

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