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the seven of them were all together once again for the first time in months.

jungkook laid with hoseok on the couch, the older being the big spoon. seokjin sat on namjoon's lap, playing with his boyfriend's fingers. jimin and taehyung were on the ground, jimin sitting in between taehyung's legs. yoongi was laying in front of the duo and allowed them to put their feet on his legs.

the overall mood of the situation was relaxed and calm, everyone whispering sweet nothings to their boyfriend, or in yoongi's case, peacefully nap on the floor.

"your hands are so soft," taehyung comments, taking jimin's hand in his and drawing shapes on his palm with the tip of his finger. "and small."

"your hands are so big compared to mine." jimin pouted, looking at the size difference.

"that's not the only thing that's big."

"okay, that's it," jimin scoffed playfully, standing up. "i'm breaking up with you."

"you love me."

"never." jimin pouted.

taehyung leaned over and kissed jimin gently, "whatever you say, chim."

"you two are disgusting." jungkook grimaced, pulling hoseok's arms tighter around him. hoseok hummed and kissed the back of jungkook's neck, making the younger visibly shiver.

"says you." yoongi groaned, rolling over to face his six friends. he yawned and stretched, laying his head on his arms.

"i'm making ramen, anyone want some?" jimin asked, heading toward the kitchen. automatically, six hands went up. he shook his head, seokjin following him.

"so how's life with your ex fuck buddy and boyfriend all under the same roof?" seokjin teased, grabbing seven cups of ramen out of the cabinet.

jimin smiled, "good, surprisingly. yoongi normally stays by himself, i kind of worry though, i hope he's not trying to purposefully exclude himself."

"he's not, believe me." seokjin said, "that's just how yoongi is."

jimin nodded, "good."

once they were finished, jimin balanced three cups in his arms and chopsticks, going into the living room. he saw yoongi laying on taehyung's legs, squishing the older's cheeks.

"tae, grab one these. they're burning my arms." jimin mumbled, kneeling down. yoongi sat up, taking one as well.

"thank you, baby." taehyung mumbled, pressing a kiss to jimin's temple. the older blushed and looked down at the pet name.

"gross." yoongi grmaced, looking at the couple next to him.

"hey yoongi hyung, can you believe we were like that at one point?" hoseok giggled, knowing it would piss jungkook off.

"not really," yoongi scrunched his nose. "i used to have feelings, gross. by the way hobi, jungkookie there looks like's going to bust."

hoseok looked at jungkook, who held tightly onto the chopsticks and chewed his food angrily, his face red. he leaned over and kissed the corner of jungkook's lips, "kookie, you know i only have eyes for you."

jungkook smiled and blushed, "you better only have eyes for me."

a little bit of a taegi moment there, how cute

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