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taehyung left drunken kisses along jimin's collarbone, leaving a few hickies here and there. they were both shirtless, their shirts somewhere between the space of the living room and jimin's room. jimin's belt was off,and his pants unbuttoned, the smaller boy moving his hands from where they were in taehyung's hair to his belt.

the feeling of jimin tugging on his belt and the deep moan the older of the two emitted made taehyung come to his senses. he pulled away from jimin's neck and grabbed his hand, panting heavily. jimin got the message and dropped his hands, unwrapping his legs from around taehyung's waist.

"you don't want this?" jimin slurred, running his hands through taehyung's messy hair,

taehyung shook his head and laid next to jimin, pulling the short boy into his chest. "i do, but not while we're drunk."

"you're such a gentleman," jimin mumbled, hugging taehyung tight. "even drunk off your ass."

taehyung hummed and felt jimin get up, watching with amusement as he nearly fell. without saying anything, he kicked his jeans off, leaving him in his boxers.

"jimin?" taehyung swallowed thickly when jimin rolled back into the bed and laid down on his stomach. he turned his head to look at taehyung.


"why aren't you going to wear pants?" taehyung asked.

"they're uncomfortable to sleep in." jimin mumbled, "you can take yours off too. i don't care."

"are you sure?" taehyung asked. the orange haired boy nodded. with that, taehyung pulled his jeans off as well, getting back into the bed amd holding jimin to his chest.

"you smell like alcohol." jimin muttered.

"so do you."

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