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taehyung busted through jimin's door, not bothering to close it. he rushed to the older's room, seeing him sobbing on the bed.

taehyung's heart broke at the sight, but pushed that feeling away. he ran over and hugged jimin tightly, "what happened?"

"o-over s-stim," jimin sobbed, "it hurts so bad tae. i don't l-like it."

"you should've told him to stop, jimin." taehyung pressed his lips together. "i'll run you a bath, okay?"

"it felt nice at the time, but the pain is so much." jimin whispered, "and tae, i kind of can't walk."

taehyung smiled, "i'll carry you."


jimin took a small drink of the tea taehyung made for him, flinching and retracting from the ceramic cup in an instant when it burnt his tongue. taehyung shook his head at the older and sat down next to him.

"are you feeling better?" taehyung asked, running his finger's through jimin's damp hair.

jimin let taehyung continue, putting his cup on the table next to him and pullat his sleeves rather harshly. "just a little. the hot water relaxed my muscles a bit. my ass still hurts like hell, though."

"i wish i could help you with that," taehyung mumbled. he noticed jimin pulling his sleeves and stopped him, so the boy didn't ruin his sweater. "stop that, you might rip it."

the brunette stopped, letting his sleeves roll up and show his knuckles. he leaned into taehyung, making the younger smile adoringly. "you want me to carry you to bed?"

jimin sat up and leaned back. "i'm good," he hummed. both of taehyung's hands now gripped his own cup of tea. jimin reach up and moved a piece of hair that was in his eyes. when he did so, his sleeve fell down.

taehyung's eyebrows furrowed as his eyes focused on jimin's wrist. "what's that?"

jimin's eyes widened, realizing the light purple bruise around his wrist was on display. he was quick to yank his sleeve down, stuttering out, "nothing!" and giving taehyung his heart-melting eyesmile.

"bullshit," taehyung sat his half-empty cup on the table and gripped jimin's wrist- an inch or two above where the bruise was. he pushed the black cloth up, tracing the edges with his finger. "did yoongi do this?"

jimin's head dropped. "yes." he spoke again, "but it's okay! he had my consent. his grip on my wrists was just tight."

"did it hurt?" taehyung asked, not looking at jimin. he felt a few different things. anger, heartbreak, sadness.


taehyung looked up at jimin, "did it hurt?" he repeated. "don't lie to me."

"yes." jimin sighed, letting his head drop once more.

"this needs to stop, jiminie. the hickies are one thing...but bruises? i can't allow that." taehyung shook his head and dropped jimin's wrist. "i don't like you having sex with yoongi just so he'll notice you, chim."

"i don't like it either."

"then why do it?" taehyung asked.

"because i love him, tae." jimin mumbled. a tear rolled down jimin's cheek, taehyung wiped it away. taehyung hooked his fingers under jimin's chin and slowly lifted his head up.

"yoongi doesn't deserve your love."

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