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"i'm going to be so chubby because of you," jimin groaned, grabbing a slice of the left over pizza from last night. he jumped up on the counter, cutely swinging his legs back amd forth.

"you'd still be as cute as ever." taehyung hummed. he was bent over, searching the fridge for something to drink.

"i'm not cute, stop it!" jimin nagged, taking the opportunity to kick taehyung, as he was within reach of jimin's foot. "you're more attractive than me."

"lies lies lies," taehyung stood up and closed the fridge door, turning to jimin. he moved in between the (slightly) older's thighs and pinched his arm, leaning in. "all park jimin tells is lies."

"that's a lie." jimin grinned. "i only speak the truth."

taehyung's eyes lingered on,jimin for a moment, "okay."

"okay?" jimin asked. "that's it? just...okay?"

"okay." taehyung answered.

"did you just..." jimin gasped, "you didn't."

"i did."

"kim taehyung!"


"i still feel bad." jimin whined, clinging onto taehyung like a koala whilst pouting. jimin, in this moment, was reminding taehyung of a koala. jimin had his legs tangled with taehyung's and his arm was around the younger's neck, his hand softly lining the bruise on taehyung's cheekbone.

"i slipped, jimin." taehyung sighed, smiling softly. the bruise really wasn't that bad, jimin was just being dramatic about it. his skin was burning in the spots jimin's hand had come in contact with. "it'll go away in a couple of days."

"but i was chasing you," jimin whined. "if i hadn't chased you this wouldn't have happened."

taehyung sat up, holding jimin around the waist so he didn't fall and potentially get hurt, "it's not your fault, minnie. stop being so hard on yourself, or else."

"what are you going to do?" jimin teased, "punish me?"


"jungkookie!" jimin squealed, running towards the youngest in the group at full speed. everyone- aside from yoongi- met up at the park, considering none of them had been outside in the sun for a while. even hoseok was there, and jimin had an overwhelming sense of guilt on him.

"jiminie!" jungkook exclaimed, picking up his hyung and spinning around. "you seem happy."

"i am!" jimin giggled, "i'll be right back, i need to talk to hoseok hyung about something."

and with that, jimin ran off to find hoseok with taehyung, namjoon, and seokjin. he crouched down next to the older, nearly falling as he did so. "hoseokie, can i talk to you? in private?"

i honestly didn't think i'd feel bad for yoongi at any point during this . but ohmygod you guys are so violent

yoongi doesn't show up again until chapter 31 you all have plenty of time to heal dw

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