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jimin woke up the next morning with a sharp pain in his back and completely naked. he furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the clock across the room, the time reading past twelve. he could only guess it was in the afternoon, seeing as light was spilling through the white curtains.

he then looked at the body who was laying next to him, who he could only identify as taehyung. the overall fact that it was taehyung he had drunk sex with made his heart feel a little bit lighter, but it worried him how the younger would react. jimin traced the light red marks littering taehyung's back, scrunching his nose as he noticed a few were bleeding.

jimin wrapped his arms around taehyung's shoulder's, being careful of the scratches, and kissed his cheek a few times. "wake up, tae."

after a few more tries, jimin's soft whispers and kisses finally made taehyung roll over, meeting eyes with the older. taehyung let a small smile spread across his face, "hey princess."

taehyung's voice made shivers go down jimin's spine, "hi," jimin cutely smiled, before he pouted. "my ass hurts."

taehyung frowned, "why? did you fall last night?"

jimin's eyes slightly widened. he doesn't remember.

"uh, no, actually." jimin blushed, sitting up and ignoring the pains in both his head and lower body. "we, uh, you know, had sex while drunk."

"how do you know for sure?"

"considering i smell like, our, uh, cum, and my ass is actually on fire," jimin cleared his throat, "i'd say that's what happened."

"oh." taehyung frowned.

"what's wrong?" jimin asked softly, moving closer to taehyung. he placed a hand on his cheek.

"i lost my virginity last night." taehyung mumbled. he glanced at jimin, "butvit was to you, so i'm not too upset."

"you're cute." jimin giggled, kissing the corner of taehyung's lips.

"but you're cuter." taehyung winked, smiling and pulling jimin into his side.

"i love you." jimin whispered, kissing taehyung softly.

"i love you," taehyung whispered.  "but i don't love your morning breath."

"shut up, you dork." jimin scoffed, pushing taehyung. "let's go downstairs."

"do i have to carry you?" taehyung asked, standing up and grabbing his boxers off of the floor next to the bed, throwing jimin's at him.

"most likely." jimin rubbed his eyes, "can you throw me a sweater."

taehyung tossed jimin a black sweater of his, one he knew would be way too big on jimin, as it was too big in himself. taehyung's eyes wandered over jimin's body; the hickies covering his neck and thighs on full display. there were a few on his hips, but they were covered by the sweater.

"alright, come on you big baby." taehyung teased, picking jimin up and throwing him over his shoulder. he took the opportunity to smack jimin's, already, sore butt- which earned a few in return from jimin.

when they got into the kitchen, they saw yoongi at the kitchen counter staring blankly at what seemed to be a cup of coffee. when he heard them come in, he looked at the duo, his eyebags shocking them.

"did you sleep at all last night?" jimin asked, wincing when taehyung dropped him, not so gently, on a stool. "hey! watch the ass."

"i didn't," yoongi shook his head and grabbed his cup, heading for the stairs. "because of you two. god, i never knew taehyung had a daddy kink."

"wait, what?!"

quadruple update fam

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