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"i'm so bored," jimin complained, hanging off of the couch and let a loud sigh escape his lips. taehyung came from the kitchen and lifted jimin's legs, sitting down then letting them rest on his thighs. he ran his fingers along his calves, making jimin hum contently.

"i agree. we should go do something." taehyung hummed. jimin sat up and turned around,

"how about the aquarium? we haven't been since we were little." jimin pouted, grabbing taehyung's hand and kissing his knuckles. taehyung blushed at the action, but patted the side of jimin's bare thigh and told him to go get ready.


jimin had his fingers intertwined with taehyung's, swinging their hands back and forth as they walked. they had just left a restaurant and were now walking toward the aquarium. taehyung listened to jimin ramble on about all of the fish they were going to see and hoped he could find an exhibit that allows you to touch them.

"i'm so excited, tae!" jimin bounced, shaking his boyfriend's arm as he did so.

"i can tell," taehyung laughed, reaching down to kiss jimin swiftly on the lips. as the aquarium came into sight, taehyung heard a soft gasp from jimin.

"tae, it's so pretty!" jimin said, looking at the glass building in awe. they walked up the steps, jimin tripping every now and then. once they made it up to the entrance, with just a few scrapes on jimin from his clumsiness, taehyung paid their way, despite jimin's protest.

they were in the area where the sharks were first. taehyung looked at jimin, whose face was mere inches away from the glass, his eyes following a small baby shark that swam around the tank. he tapped his shoulder, pointing at the other side of the tank, where a bigger shark swam close to the glass, grazing it every now and them. "jiminie, look."

"come on!" jimin exclaimed, grabbing onto taehyung's sleeve and pulled him, the younger of the two muttering apologies every time he bumped into someone.

"it's so close tae!" jimin giggled, standing next to the row of kids who, also, pressed their hands against the glass and looked in awe as the shark bumped the glass.

taehyung went behind him, wrapping his arms around jimin's waist. "i know, baby."

"thank you," jimin hummed, feeling taehyung's breath on his neck.

"anything for you, my love." taehyung whispered, a small blush rising to jimin's cheeks. the older turned around and kissed taehyung gently.

"i love you," jimin whispered.

taehyung kissed jimin's forehead,  "and i love you. now come on, i think there's an area where we can pet sharks."

soft vmin dates

,,, if anyone is interested i published a new vmin book called 'lust', it's about stripper!jimin and it's soft...mostly

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