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"yah, what's got you so down, taetae?" jimin huffed, shoving taehyung lightly. taehyung grumbled and turned away from jimin, burying his face even more into his pillow. "i'm going nowhere until you tell me."

"hope you're comfy, then." jimin heard taehyung mumble. jimin shifted around on the bed until he was laying on his stomach beside his best friend, running his fingers along taehyung's bare bicep.

"i am."

taehyung felt his cheeks heat up and the small contact of jimin's fingers, his heart picking up speed. he turned away from jimin even more, hearing the orange haired boy sigh heavily. "if you aren't going to tell me what's wrong, that's okay. at least tell me how to make you feel better."

taehyung was still quiet for a few seconds. he turned, grinning widely, "anything?"

jimin nodded furiously. "anything!"

"you know? a really big tub of chocolate ice cream and cheese pizza will really make me feel better..." taehyung trailed off.

"got it. i'll be back in about thirty minutes, i'll pick up some movies on the way home." jimin stood up, grabbing a pair of taehyung's shoes and slipping them on.

"and this is why you're my best friend." taehyung said, a small smile on his face.

"i'm only doing what a best friend should, taetae." jimin grinned, quoting taehyung from few days ago.


"yoongi, we need to talk." hoseok mumbled.

"can it wait? i'm tired." yoongi groaned. he disappeared under the blanket again. usually, hoseok would've found this action cute, but he didn't now.

"you wouldn't be tired if you weren't up all night, and it can't wait," hoseok said, a frown evident on his usually smiley face. "we need to talk about us. now."

yoongi sat up. "fine, what is it?"

"we should break up." hoseok said, lips firmly pressed together.

yoongi scoffed, "i do so much for you. i give you whatever you want, hell i'm even dealing with having no sex for you. yet you want to break up?"

"yeah, yoongi, i do." hoseok stood up. "you treat me like shit. yeah, you buy me stuff, but it's things i need. and give me whatever i want? you nearly died when i asked for a few dollars last week! and your entire life just revolves around sex, doesn't it?"

"of course not-" yoongi began, before hoseok cut him off.

"look me in the eye and tell me you'll stop trying to get in my pants and will act like a caring boyfriend." hoseok said lowly. his head was hung low.

yoongi kept silent. he knew he couldn't look hoseok in the eye and tell him that. hoseok knew it too. the older was aware of how shitty he's been to hoseok recently, and why he wouldn't let the younger leave him, he doesn't know. maybe it was the feeling of knowing someone is waiting on him, someone is caring about his wellbeing. not waking up alone. but he knew one thing: he no longer loved hoseok.

"i knew you couldn't." hoseok dryly laughed. "i'm so in love with you, and god i'll miss you like crazy, but i can't live not knowing where you're at or if you actually want me and not the idea of me."

"i do want you," a lie, "not just the idea."

hoseok began leaving the room, "i don't want to be with you anymore, yoongi."

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