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as yoongi finishes up the last for the duo, he opens his eyes to see both jimin and taehyung with their jaws slightly dropped. his breath was slightly uneven due to how fast he rapped, a small blush covering his cheeks.

"was it good?" yoongi asked softly.

"good?" taehyung gasped, "it was amazing. have you tried to get in touch with a producer?"

"not really," yoongi shrugged, "i thought i'd get turned down."

"hyung, if someone were to turn that down, they don't know what they'd be losing." jimin scoffed. he sat up and turned to taehyung, "didn't you mention something about namjoon rapping once? maybe yoongi can talk to him."

"i doubt it," yoongi shrugged. "namjoon doesn't like me."

"he doesn't?" jimin asked. he was confused, namjoon seemed to be fine around yoongi.

"i mean, he tolerates me. but i don't know how he'd be around me now, since..." yoongi spoke, rubbing the back of his neck.

"you've changed," taehyung said. "you're this shy small little fluff now, i never would have guessed you would be the one to use jimin."

"i regret it." yoongi mumbled. "i wasn't in a good state of mind then- and yes, i know that isn't a valid excuse for how i treated both jimin and hoseok. i see now jimin is actually pretty decent."

"decent?" jimin huffed.

"more than decent, then."



jimin walked behind the counter, tying the apron around his waist.  the uniform definitely wasn't something jimin enjoyed, but dealt with it anyways.

"jimin!" seokjin exclaimed, brushing off jimin's shirt. "i'm going to have you on cashier today since namjoon doesn't work today, but you'll be the waiter tomorrow. you remember how to use the register, right?"

"of course," jimin smiled, clipping his name tag to the shirt.

to say jimin was enjoying his job would be a lie. hardly anyone was visiting and if they did, they only got a coffee and left. seokjin watched with amusement as jimin leaned on his hand, clicking a pen continuously and sighing loudly.

"well, if it isn't park jimin." the brunette heard, looking up to see both taehyung and yoongi walk in- a duo jimin thought he'd never see together, alone.

"hi," jimin straightened up and flashed the two a smile. "what do you want?"

"so rude to customers," yoongi teased. "i just want a black coffee. what do you want, taehyung?"

"tea will work." taehyung smiled. he watched jimin grab a sharpie from the cupholder next to him and write on the cups, but he couldn't tell what it said.

"green, right?" jimin asked, getting a nod from taehyung as confirmation. "alright, go sit down. i'll bring it to you."

"yes, sir." taehyung answered, making yoongi choke. he turned to the older and hit him, "get you and your dirty mind over to that table."

"yes, sir." yoongi repeated, making taehyung scoff from behind him.


when i mentioned the yoonmin as parents idea a few chapters ago, i meant it as a solo story idea not for this okok << just incase anyone was confused

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