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"shit, i'm late for work!" yoongi gasped, seeing he was nearly two hours late. "hoseok, why didn't you-"

ready to yell at his boyfriend, he noticed he wasn't even there. there was a note, saying he'd already left for work and got called in early.

"what the fuck? he couldn't even wake me up?" yoongi growled to himself, "god, if i get fired because of this..."


"it's not my top priority to make sure you're awake on time, yoongi!" hoseok yelled, pinching the bridge of his nose and holding back tears. "you're a grown ass man, yoongi. you're twenty-five years old, not five. act like it."

"who is the one who brings in the most money? oh yeah, it's me. you bring in a two hundred dollar check every two weeks, i bring triple that in half that time. i'd shut up if i were you, jung hoseok. your ass better be happy i didn't get fired today." yoongi spat.

"you know what? fuck you, min yoongi. i'm going to jin's for a while."


"is jimin home?"

"uh-" taehyung started, before yoongi rolled his eyes shoved past taehyung. the younger stumbled back and almost hit a lamp on a table. "listen, jimin's not-"

"i don't care, i need a fuck."

and oh how taehyung's blood was boiling at those words.

yoongi opened the door to jimin's room, expecting him to be watching a movie or watching one of big bang's music videos over again. instead, he had to make out jimin's smaller-than-usual figure curled under a mountain of blankets based on the tiny sobs. it was dark in the room as well.

"he's not feeling okay," taehyung appeared from behind yoongi. "come back later." or never.

ignoring taehyung completely, yoongi stepped into jimin's room and flipped the light on. jimin groaned and mumbled incoherent words under his breath. yoongi removed blankets two or three at a time, before he saw the tear-stained face of park jimin.

"come on. i'm stressed."

"jimin, you're allowed to tell him no." taehyung said, in an almost pleading tone.

"no, no, i'm okay." jimin shrugged, moving around to make room for yoongi. "go to sleep taetae, i'll try to be quiet."

"jimin..." taehyung shook his head, "i'm going to jungkook' me if you need anything.  i'll be home later tonight."


"hey hyung!" jungkook grinned cheerfully, seeing one of his best friends at his door.

"hey," taehyung mumbled, stepping inside.

jungkook's smile dropped. "tae, what's wrong? is it jimin?"

"it's not necessarily jimin," taehyung sighed, "it's yoongi."

"i've always hated him." jungkook shook his head. "i feel bad for hoseok, he doesn't deserve to be with such a sorry excuse of a human."

"you're right," taehyung agreed. "it hurts seeing jimin breakdown when yoongi leaves. i try to convince him to stop this, but he won't. he's hurting himself to keep yoongi happy."

"more like satisfied."


"but that's typical jimin for you," jungkook shrugged, motioning for taehyung to sit next to him. "reason number one i fell for him."

"me too, god." taehyung sighed and put his head in his hands. "even though you crushed jimin when you guys broke up, i couldn't hate you nearly as much as i hate min yoongi."

"i didn't have sex with him and then walk out," jungkook shrugged, leaning back. when he felt taehyung's glare he smiled and said, "too soon?"

"but you are right," taehyung mumbled, "you told him you didn't have feelings anymore and didn't want to lead him on."


"anyways, how is that yugyeom of yours doing?" taehyung teased.

a light blush made its way to jungkook's cheeks, "we're just friends!"


i don't actually ship jungkook and yugyeom,, it's just for the plot woo

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